Dweeb the People

Dweeb the People

AGE OF THE DEAD – S06E09: No Way Out

February 16, 2016

We’re back! Join Steven, Randy and Dee as they discuss The Walking Dead Season 6 episode 9, entitled: No Way Out. We all agree this might be the best episode of the season. Listen to us drool over it for an hour.
Variant Cover Art
It’s all about the RPG, baby.

Show Notes
Rick on a Raptor
Cold Open:

* We pick up from the last half season’s stinger with Darrel, Sasha, and (my new favorite character) Action Flick Abraham being confronted by the Sons of Anarchy. The leader of this chapter, Greasy Will Forte, tells the crew that their property belongs to Neagan and that they seem like the type of folks that Neagan would want to get to know. Greasy Will Forte plays it pretty cas’ whilst taking the crew’s firearms. He comes to not-so-cas’ Abraham and gives him the age old advice of, “If you’re going to eat shit, it’s best not to nibble. Bite, chew, swallow, repeat. Goes quicker,” which is the exact same advice I give my Valentine every year. The crew is going to go on a road trip to meet Neagan, but not until “T” takes Darrel to ensure that there isn’t more to plunder in the rig. He tells him to start inside the back bumper and work their way to the front. We then get a glimpse of Greasy Will Forte’s other side. Apparently, it’s customary to kill one peep in a group that they encounter to set precedence. There’s a bally-who back and forth about whether or not he’s going to kill someone, until he decides that he will indeed. That’s when he gets an RPG to the face. Turns out, Darrel and T were fighting to the death behind the truck, Darrel got the upper-hand, and then managed to grab the launcher, ammo and load it without anyone noticing.

* An RPG isn’t exactly the most pin-point accurate weapon. I feel that Darrel was playing fast and loose with Sash’s and Abe’s lives.

* Action Flick Abe’s trash-talking the exploded head of Greasy Will Forte with the line, “Nibble on that.”

The Long Walk

* Back from commercial break we get treated to a bevy of nasty looking walkers as Rick, Carl, Jessie, Sam, Ron, Gabriel, and Michone make their way through. If you recall, they had masked themselves with walker guts and were trying to get to the armory, but Rick calls an audible when he realizes that the situation is FUBAR and a few guns won’t get the job done.