Dweeb the People

Dweeb the People

The X-Files Podcast: S10E04 – Home Again

February 09, 2016

Join us as we discuss The X-Files season 10 episode four, titled: Home Again. We take this emotional episode very seriously, but at the same time we still find the funny. Check out the show notes for additional info, and enjoy!
Our Favorite Screencaps

Show Notes
Randy said the art in this episode reminded him on Banksy art. Check it out!
“Downtown” was a huge song in this episode and we discuss how it was used in a couple different shows: Seinfeld and LOST. Check out the videos below.

LOST – Downtown – Link to external website
We talk about the trashman in It’s Always Sunny in Philedelphia. Here are a couple clips from that amazing episode.

Our Recap
Cold Open:

* We open with phase 1 of Operation: Fiscal Cleansing, which is the homeless being bombarded by dues with a massive super-soaker. It’s then that we get what might as well be labeled, “MURDERER’S MASSIVE TRUCK OF DEATH AND GARBAGE AND MORE DEATH” roll up outside the operation’s organizer. He dials for help, but it’s to no avail as the assailant bursts in and “disarms’ captain 1% before compacting him in the garbage truck of super-death.

Roll Credits
Run 1:

* CSI: Lame-town are taking pics and we get informed that they called the FBI due to the “spooky” nature of the crime. Jesus, Scully looks good. The dynamic duo is informed that there are no footprints, but Mulder states that it’s impossible to be born without footprints. So, it turns out that just the arms are missing and the head is in the trash can. Scully cunningly deciphers that the vic was tor...