Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

Latest Episodes

The Daily Fill #17 – Comfort on the Drum kit
April 26, 2017

Welcome to the daily fill! The Daily Quote: Anonymous: "Good Form. Good Function. Good Health.." Who said it? I'm not sure but I like how it sounds! Either way... Audible hooks up a free book with tons of great info like that! Just Click here

The Daily Fill #16 – Playing drums in the fields of Bakersfield
April 25, 2017

Welcome to the daily fill! The Daily Quote: Elon Musk: "Some people don't like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster." You can pick up Elon's book in the audible store for free right now with our 1-month trial that in...

The Daily Fill #15 – Drummers I Like Pro Updates
April 24, 2017

Welcome to the daily fill! What's going on today?   - We are keeping it short and sweet with a quick update on Drummers I Like Pro! PODCAST OF THE DAY! Matt Halpern - episode #2 We took it back to the bottom of the map with episode 2 of the Drumm...

Wes Keely – Kbrakes – Drummers I Like Podcast #46
April 21, 2017

Welcome back to this week’s episode of Drummers I Like. Today we are joined by Wes Keeley who is the owner/founder of KBrakes and former drummer for Walls of Jericho. In this episode: Wes takes us from Detroit to Europe and its metal punkness!

The Daily Fill #14 – Drummers I Like 1 year Anniversary
April 20, 2017

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to the listeners. We wouldn't be here without you! Today marks the 1 year anniversary for the launch of the Drummers I Like Podcast and we are stoked to have made ...

The Daily Fill #13 – Disciplined drummers and staying focused
April 19, 2017

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to the vets. We are tearing up right now with all these conflicts and potential boiling wars. Drummers I Like works closely with and is partnered with Veterans and ...

The Daily Fill #12 – Workout routines and staying healthy
April 18, 2017

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to my wife! Anyone that's married to an entrepreneur can agree with me when I say. IT ain't no joke! I have to be honest,

The Daily Fill #11
April 17, 2017

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to everyone that signed up for Zacks class this weekend! We already know we are destined for metal greatness with Zacks Guide to Building Speed in Metal(yes we cha...

Tim Buell – Drummers I Like Podcast #45
April 14, 2017

Welcome back to this week's episode of the Drummers I Like Podcast. Today's guest is the amazing Tim Buell. Tim endorses Butt Kicker, The Drum Wallet, and Vic Firth. Tim is also a touring drummer, session artist, and educator.

The Daily Fill #10
April 13, 2017

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat Today's episode is dedicated to the hi-hat! Where would drummers be without you? For millions of years you have served as the bread and butter to the old slap box and today we show our appreci...