Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

The Daily Fill #21 – Getting that fresh start

May 08, 2017

Welcome to the daily fill!
The Daily Quote:
Aristotle: “It is well to be up before daybreak, for such haqabits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.”
Everybody knows who ya boy Aristotle is. Why not get with the mix and check out some of his stuff? Just Click here and you will get access to a free trial of audible which includes a free book! Why not brush up on your Ari. 
What's going on today?
It's a fresh week! There is new pro content from our boy Zack Austin, A new contest from the boys over at Kick it with Johnny, a sick new guest coming up this week on the podcast and on Kick it with Johnny Live and a ton of other things stuffed in between. The big talking point this morning focuses heavily on what a new week means for me, how I use it to add fresh fuel to my tank and make it through another 80 hour week! Timing is a big deal for me and if it isn't scheduled, it ain't happening.

A few points I cover: 

* What a fresh week really means for me and how I use Monday's as a way to shed my old skin.
* The shreddage that Zack is cooking up this week on pro.
* Our latest weekly contest and who won last week's lesson with Garrett.
* Info on this week's Podcast and webinar guest.

That's it for the Daily Fill! Tune in Every Morning Monday Through Thursday for a new episode!
- Richard
Daily Music (heard in intro/outro):
Volumes - Wormholes

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