Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

The Daily Fill #13 – Disciplined drummers and staying focused

April 19, 2017

Welcome to the daily fill with me your host Richard Ducat
Today's episode is dedicated to the vets. We are tearing up right now with all these conflicts and potential boiling wars. Drummers I Like works closely with and is partnered with Veterans and we support you 100%!
Thank you all for your service, undeniable patriotism to our country and consistent drive to be the best you can be! It's no coincidence that a handful or successful business owners have a military background and it truly points back to the disciplined nature of this highly coveted but accessible brotherhood! As a kid, I ridiculed and judged it like an arrogant fool. Now I praise and thank them every day! 
The Drummers I Like Daily Quote:
Dwight D. Eisenhower: “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it."
You can pick up books on Dwight in the audible store for free right now with our 1-month trial that includes a free book! Just Click here
What's going on today?
I have the honor of being partnered up with a Military vet for my Digital marketing company and although she does business with me, she also mentors me. As a result,  I get to deal with a pretty disciplined and strategic military leader on the daily. She is the pinnacle of success and while being a firm and tough leader, she is fair and just with a strong touch of compassion. Could she be considered a level 5 leader? Maybe so. Through this partnership, I have been running through the ringer of tough lessons, hard realizations, and everything would push the ordinary man to quit. It has had me thinking about my approach to my business and how it reflects my playing behind the drum kit. I had to ask myself this first. Am I not applying these same fundamentals? Although I do the maximum efforts with everything revolving my company and clients. Am I doing for my playing? This is my true passion and although it is hard to find time to play I want it to count. It was kind of easy to see that although it was not fully the case, it kind of was. I have my daily regimens for health, fitness and relationship building, but do I have it for drums? The answer is no, I do not. It isn't ideal and it almost hurts to admit, but I'm going to change it. I'm adding a practice regimen into my morning routine and I started this morning with working on my fundamentals. Singles to be exact.

So what next? I'm keeping track and I will keep you updated each week with my progress and where I'm at on the practice scale.

I want to know what you're doing to stay on top of your practice daily. Pass me your tips and Ill make sure to address our listeners on what works best for me!
Freddy Charles - episode #4 and a serious throwback!
This was the fourth episode and at the time Freddy was like a social media god to me. He really helped put us on the map and his allegiance and friendship has stood a character justification ever since. We learned a lot about this drumpretrenuer and I was nothing short of inspired. Want to know what it takes to pursue your passions while traveling the world? Hear it on episode 4 of the Drummers I Like Podcast

Get the full scoop in episode 4 of the Drummers I Like Podcast featuring Freddy Charles! Just Click here!
A few things you can expect to hear on our episode with Freddy!

* Everything Freddy! We get an insiders tour to the life of Mr. Charles and how this Multi-Instrumentalist made it here today.
* The struggle of rehearsal real estate in New York and Miami along with what it took to lock it down.
* Getting what you want in life and making it happen !!


That's it for the Daily Fill!