Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

Tim Buell – Drummers I Like Podcast #45

April 14, 2017

Welcome back to this week's episode of the Drummers I Like Podcast. Today's guest is the amazing Tim Buell. Tim endorses Butt Kicker, The Drum Wallet, and Vic Firth. Tim is also a touring drummer, session artist, and educator.
Today's show is not an episode that you should skip over. We “spill the coffee” with this Nashville Native and get to know him as a drummer and as a creator. Tim is one of those drummers whose skill-set is not limited to the number of sticks in his stick bag.
In this Episode:

From Europe to the living room - Learn first hand the lifestyle of a touring drummer and find out if life on the road is all it’s cracked up to be.
Communication is key to accuracy - Why taking the first gig is not always the most valuable decision when starting your drum career and how to take pride out of the equation.
Transcribing the Greats - Tim shares with us what drew him to transcribing drummers from Aaron Spears to Calvin Rodgers.

Life On the Road:
      Early on Tim was already making his way around the world behind the kit and this Nashville Native was learning the importance of utilizing time both behind the kit and off the stage. Hopping show to show isn’t something that Tim jumped into blindly. Tim says that “Your time has more value than others will try to give you,” this is one of the most important aspects of a gigging drummer.
Surround Yourself with Value:
One of the most valuable lessons Tim speaks about is knowing what you're worth. When a gig comes around don't just settle for anything less than what you know your worth. Grabbing details before saying yes is something that has helped Tim become the successful drummer he is today.
Learning to Teach:
Tim Buell is one of the only people who will admit he enjoys transcribing complicated chops and fills and how lucky we are that he does. Tim realized that throughout his College career his reading abilities didn't match his playability, so Tim found that transcribing other drummers improved both. This lead Tim to share his efforts with others through teaching and has grown transcribing into a business.

Tims Lessons, Transcriptions and nerdy thoughts on drums can be found at timbuellmusic.com    

Rapid Singles!

What was one of the biggest hurdle you had to overcome as a drummer?

Reading music and learning to negotiate.

What was the best piece of advice you ever received?

“I woke up today.” Not advice but life changing.

What's a personal habit that contributes to your success as a drummer?

Being competitive with yourself to always improve.

Share a resource or tool that helps you survive as a drummer.

Computer, and a program called Transcribe!

If you could recommend one book what would it be and why?

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Imagine you wake up tomorrow in a word just like ours, you have all the same knowledge and skill as a drummer, but you know no one. All you have is a smartphone, $500, and a small portable drumset. What is the first thing that you do?


Thank You, Tim, for being on the show. Thank you our listeners for tuning into this week's’ episode. Tim is a very dedicated passionate drummer, and it was a blast hearing his story.

Tim Buells Links

