Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

Jeeves Avalos – Drummers I Like Podcast #42

March 24, 2017

Welcome back to this weeks’ episode of the Drummers I Like podcast. Today we have the pleasure of chatting with none other than Jeeves Avalos. Jeeves is the Drum Tech for Falling in Reverse, Chelsea Grin, and currently, Luke Holland.
In this Episode

* On The Grind: Get a real look into the mind of a "Drumtreprenuer" who is laser-focused and completely in tune with his goals.
* The true path to success: Jeeves points back to year 13 of his life and the moment that changed his outlook on self-progression forever.
* Getting The Gig: Jeeves gives us the run down on what it takes to make it as a paid tech in the touring world.

About Greg

Jeeves comes from a musical family with a father who played guitar and continually supplied Jeeves with a wide variety of genre's growing up! With his dad being a devout guitar player he felt compelled to pick up the 5 stringed string box but it wasn't long until a Marlyn Manson Concert opened his eyes to the fun of drums and inspired him to make the jump to his playing drums!

After a disappointing first time jam with his father pushed him to change his gears, Jeeves Avalos found himself working his tail off to perfect his playing. Jeeves took the youtube learning approach for his first 4 years until deciding to take the leap into Online lessons with none other than the Guru Mike Johnston himself! This really changed his approach to playing, his attitude and of course, his abilities as he crushed through almost a year straight of Mike's Courses.
“You Don't have to try and cram everything in at once”
Jeeves has taken a very patient and strict approach to his playing and without lacking the humble approach, navigated his way through a tight-knit touring group full of some of the industries most prolific players. We once again make numerous references to what it takes to make it in the industry... BE A COOL HANG!

Rapid Singles

1. What was one of the biggest hurdles you had to overcome as a drummer
Jeeves: always have something to set you apart

2. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received
Jeeves: Just say yes.

3. What's a personal habit that contributes to your success?
Jeeves: the want to succeed and the passion for growing.

4. Share a resource or tool like an app or a drum tool that helps you survive.
Jeeves: Pro metronome app

5. if you could recommend just one book what would it be and why?
Jeeves: Nuero Linguistic Programming book. NLP by Richard Bandler. - Click here to get your Free audible trial and get this book for FREE

6. Imagine you woke up tomorrow in a world exactly like ours... You have no contacts and no one knows who you are but you possess all of the same knowledge and talents you currently have. You have $500, a smartphone, life essentials (food, a roof over your head), a car and a drum set of your choice. What would be your first move if you were going to rebuild your career/brand?
Jeeves: I would spend $200 on a local camera guy and get myself into a studio and shoot some drum videos.
I would use the remaining money to travel to L.A. and play with whoever I can at all times.

Jeeves is a true inspiration for all drummers looking to take their playing to the next level and If you haven't taken a peep at him yet, then now is the time!

Here are some links to get in touch with Jeeves and hear the great projects he is currently working on!

Jeeves on Social:

Jeeves on Instagram

Jeeves on Facebook

Jeeves current groups: