Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

Evan Ryan – Drummers I Like Podcast #39

March 03, 2017

Welcome back for this week’s episode of the Drummers I Like Podcast. This week we have the pleasure of talking shop with the bright and witty Evan Ryan.
Evan is the Founder, CEO, and Lead Educator of The Drum School L.A. He works closely with DW Drums, Evans Drum Heads, Paiste, and Pro-Mark Drumsticks and if I could put a label on him. Expert Communicator. This guy knows his stuff and he isn't afraid to get the conversation going.

Intro – 2:00: Rich and Kevin introduce Evan. Rich and Evan met earlier this year at NAMM and Rich had the awesome chance to play with Evan, Joey Bones, Jessica Beaurdeux, Phil A.K.A. Drumlix, Vince Garvin and Earl Talbot at The Drum School LA.

2:00 – 16:00: Evans journey with drums began with lessons on a practice pad focusing on learning his rudiments. A powerful role model, Evans Mother accompanied him the entire time to ensure he was getting the most of his time. Working out of America’s N.A.R.D Drum Solos book for hours on end Evan took no shortcuts on this powerful journey. Kevin mentions how he shared the same experiences as a young drummer playing on a pad and snare drum but always wanting to play behind the drum kit. Evan eventually took this skill to the drumline in his high school and college, as well as jazz and big band. This experience took Evan all over from Germany to California.

16:00 – 26:00: Richard starts this next segment off by saying that his experience practicing with Evan at the drum School really opened Richards eyes to a new approach to his practicing. By being in a group Rich finds it easier to focus and build off of the energy everyone is bringing to the table.

After hearing Evan talk, and seeing his personality behind the kit it's clear that he is one of those people who gets along with everyone. His ability to present lessons in a very understanding way to any and all students is like no other. Evan mentions that the road to becoming an educator was filled with many mentors who guided him along the way, and for Evan not all mentors were drummers. One of the drummers that stand out is Rob Parton, a trumpet player whose way of teaching paved the foundation for Evan’s style of teaching.

26:00 – 41:00: Earl Talbot and Evan met at a gas station almost six years ago by means of a bumper sticker Evan had on his car. After a fun and fruitful conversation involving some comedic frustration from Earl, a friendship was born. Evan gives us a run down on how Earl gave him a new view on counting time. Instead of counting the original four bar measures, Earl breaks it up into 12/4 so it's more of a whole piece.

Ex. If you have a bar of 4/4 quarter notes, you can turn those into eight note triplets take away the bar line and this will give you 12 notes.

Evan further explains this in depth and lets us in on a little secret that he is currently working on. Evan and the cats at The Drum School L.A are going to be releasing The Power of 12 lesson series in the near future. Below is a small snippet showing a closer look at the way Evan breaks down this concept of 12/4.

Rapid Singles

* What was holding you back from becoming a successful drummer? My own head. Getting out of my head, “are they better than me?” I just have to show up and be me!
* What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? While seeing a trio show with Herbie Hancock, Jack DeJohnette, and Dave Holland in Chicago. “Just let go.”

* What's a personal habit that contributes to your success? Punctuality, Lombardi time, and being prepared.

* Share a resource or tool that helps you survive as a drummer. Metronome

* Recommend just one drum book or video. What would it be and why?