Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

Zack Austin – Drummers I Like Podcast #38

February 24, 2017

Welcome back to another exciting episode of Drummers I Like Podcast. Today we have on the show Zack Austin the, “Metal Machine!” Zack is studio/session drummer from New York endorsed by Mia Moore Styx.
Intro – 13:30 Richard welcomes Zack and kicks us right off, diving into what brought Zack Austin to the drums. Zack’s start to music was at an earlier age from listening to his dad’s plethora of classic music, which spawned Zack’s hunger for the drums. After receiving his first kit Zack played the hell out of it through his school career drawing influences from bands such as Suicide Silence, Whitechapel, and Job For A Cowboy. Zack then, through playing with local bands at the time shifted his style more towards death metal which is where he currently stands. From there it is safe to say he has earned his nickname as the “Metal Machine.”

13:30 – 33:00 Zack opens up about what made him start posting videos of his drumming. What started humbly for Zack, posting videos of his practices since at the time he wasn’t in a band has grown in a way unpredicted. From the mind bottling growth over the past year, Zack still makes it a priority to reach out to those in the drumming community on Instagram by always replying to comments and messages.

33:00 – 52:00 Zack Segways us into the next section about his gear and his set up. Zack plays on Istanbul Agop cymbals and has a very interesting way of setting them up and stacking cymbals to create the sound that cuts through the music in a satisfying way. The use of these cymbals for the genre of music Zack plays is a refreshing change from the more common cymbal brands that most drummers play on. Zack also takes a very thought out approach to how he sets up his cymbals in that he will arrange effects cymbals based on where he wants the effect either on the upbeat or the downbeat.

52:00 – 1:10:00  Before we wrap up the show Zack shares his practice routine, and how he got to be such a solid, clean drummer. Being the metal beast he is Zack elaborates on his technique when playing blast beats, which is a mix of technique and gravity blasting.

Rapid Singles

1.What was holding you back from becoming a successful drummer? Speed, even tho Zack is always trying to push himself further and faster

* What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Be proud of what you are and what you are doing.

* What's a personal habit that contributes to your success? Foot tapping

* Share a resource or tool that helps you survive as a drummer. Metronome App!

* Recommend just one book. what would it be and why? Emanuel's Book: A Manual for Living Comfortably in the Cosmos

* Imagine you woke up tomorrow in a world exactly like ours, you still had all the same knowledge and talent that you have as a drummer but you know no one. All you have is $500, a smartphone, and small portable drum set. What would you do first? Take the $500 and finish my “dream” kit, since I don’t know anyone else I don’t have to be anywhere, except behind the kit.

Thanks for tuning into this week's episode with Zack Austin. Thanks so much for Zack spending the time to try and fill us in on what it takes to be the Metal Machine. Zack has gained a huge following very quickly and it's easy to see why with the skills he possesses behind the kit. Check him out on Instagram @Zackaustin and don’t forget to use a free trial of Audible.com to give Zack’s book recommendation a listen.
Links for Zack Austin


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