Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

Apps that help you Practice – Drummers I Like Podcast #32

January 13, 2017

On this week's episode, we dwell deep into Rich's mind as He and Kevin break down some of the apps they are using to help with drum practice as well as maintaining a productive, organized, and healthy lifestyle. Richard and Kevin also get into depth about the Drummers I like App, future guests, gear reviews, and more! 
Intro- 4:30 Kevin and Richard catch up with each other and how their practice has been throughout the week. Kevin is always busy behind the kit, between rehearsals and shows he needs to follow a strict and cohesive drum practice routine to keep up his consistency. Richard finds useful ways to utilize time behind the kit to his benefit and has great was of staying focused on doing so as we break down Richards extensive use of Mobile apps for practicing drums and maintaining a firm strategy to do so.

4:30 – 22:00 Unfortunately for Drummers there aren't a lot of drum practice apps in the app store. With the exception of the Drum Lessons app and a ton of mediocre metronome apps, we are pretty dry. If you have never heard of Trello, or only use it for business, then you are severely missing out. Trello is a virtual whiteboard used to keep all your tasks, and ideas, in one easy to view location. Richard and Kevin and the Drummers I Like team uses Trello to keep this show running, but Richard breaks down how he has used it to maintain a solid drum practice. Most drummers whether they admit it or not, have at some point sat down to practice with an idea in their head, then before you know it your jamming to your favorite song or working on too many grooves at a time. Thus, not getting the most out of your practice time. Trello is a great tool that can be used to combat that, by giving you the ability to add structure and guidance to practice and achieve goals you have created for yourself.

Richard Breaks his method for how to practice drums effectively breaking his Trello board down into a few different sections. He deems this his method for mastering "how to practice drums without a drum set"

* Current Rudiments - This is the list of rudiments he is currently working on perfecting.
* Locked In Rudiments - This is a section of rudiment he has considered locked down. This board keeps Richard consistently seeing his progress while plugging his mind with the rudiment reference. This is a good way to embed it into your subconscious and start to develop and hone your drum vocabulary.
* Grooves in the works - A list of grooves Richard is currently working on. This list is extensive to ensure Rich is always working on different languages and not getting caught up in one specific groove.
* Books to work through. - The list of books Richard is currently working on.
* Grooves Locked down - This is the section of grooves he has considered locked down. This board like board 2 keep the progress in his mind and works on long-term memory.
* Song covers in the works - Any song covers Richard is working on He lists here. Within those lists, he breaks down sections with check lists and notes.
* Song covers ready to film - This section is where he keeps the lists of songs he has perfected and is ready to record on video.
* Songs I want to cover - This is self-explanatory. If Rich hears a song he wants to learn he pops it in this list to make sure he doesn't forget.


It is important to make sure that within our cards we are setting goals and checklists for our Drum practice exercises. Here is the most simplified way of doing so within Rich's "doubles" card.

22:00 –  24:00 Since you have just heard about a great new way to keep your practice moving forward now it’s time to go check out the new and improved merch store where you can pick up a Drummers I Like T-shirt...