Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

Jessica Burdeaux – Drummers I Like Podcast #23

November 11, 2016

Welcome to the Drummers I Like podcast. On today's show, we have Jessica Burdeaux!
Thanks for checking out the Drummers I Like podcast! Whether you're new to the show or one of our regular listeners. Today we have the pleasure of bringing you another one of Instagram's finest drummers Ms. Jessica Burdeaux! We have been infatuated with her playing for quite a while so we were really stoked to get her on the show with us today! So let's get this thing started!
9:00 - 12:00: As we always like to do, we start things off with Jessica telling us a bit how she found music and the drums and a little about her journey playing the drums up to the present day. She talks about how it all got started with a kit that was bought for her brother and really breaks down about her experience with learning the drums through school all the way through college and beyond.

12:00 - 15:00: Here Rich talks a bit about Jessica's long-time teacher Earl Talbot and how she's been able to take his teachings and really make them her own. She also mentions a lot of her musical influences and how that has shaped her playing as well.

15:00 - 22:00: Jessica has amazing hand technique. In this section, she breaks down and answers some good questions about her approach to her hands and how she has developed that amazing technique over time.

22:00 - 31:00: Now we really dive into Jessica's long-time teacher Earl Talbot and how he has helped her playing and what he has brought to the table to help elevate her drumming to the next level. By the time we finish up this part of the show we all want to head to the Chicago area to book a lesson with Earl!

31:00 - 42:00: Here we get into Jessica's drums and her setup. She likes to keep things simple but her drums look so ergonomic and comfortable. It's great to hear her cymbal selection, (Meinl). As well as a great breakdown of her shells. That breaks into a great talk about changing our setups and how that can sometimes help our creativity.

42:00 - 52:00: Kevin brings up the topic on double bass drumming. Jessica recently got her first double pedal so we wanted to see how things were progressing in that department. Then we fall into a good chat about the importance of counting with the left foot on the hi-hat.

52:00 - 55:00: Now we chat a bit about how Jessica makes her excellent quality videos for social media. It's always good to hear how drummers achieve their look and sound. Jessica's setup is especially good to hear about due to the fact that it's so simple yet so effective.

55:00 - Rapid Singles

1. What was holding you back from becoming the successful drummer? – Fear of the unknown. 
2. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? – "Invision yourself doing well." 
3. What’s a personal habit that contributes to your success? –  The ability to not let negative practice or jam sessions get into her head.  
4. Share a resource or tool that helps you survive as a drummer? – A camera to record practice sessions, not just for social media content. But for a practice tool to see yourself from a different angle. 
5. Recommend just one book. what would it be and why? – African Rhythms for Drumset by Christian Bourdon

6. Imagine you woke up tomorrow in a world exactly like ours, you still had all the same knowledge and talent that you have as a drummer but you know no one. All you have is $500, a smartphone, and small portable drum set. What would you do first? – As a different approach, she would use the money to relocate to a musical city and start attending open mic nights and take that opportunity to meet and jam with other musicians. Then use the smartphones to document her journey through that experience to help build a social media presence.