Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

Richie Martinez – Drummers I Like Podcast #22

November 04, 2016

Welcome back to another Drummers I Like podcast. We're excited today to bring you our guest, Richie Martinez!
Welcome back to all of our regular listeners, and welcome to our new ones. We are so excited to bring Richie on the show today. From watching and following his great Instagram page we have really enjoyed hearing his awesome grooves and amazing chops. He has a great sense of humor and we know you will all enjoy the fun and relaxed feel of the show. So let's get to it!
5:00 - 9:00: As usual we start things off by introducing Richie and getting to know how he found drumming and a little about his journey up to today! As with many of our guests, Richie comes from a very musical family that really nurtured his desire to play. He talks about his journey through learning the drums in school, with both drums and from the music theory side as well.

9:00 -15:00: Here Kevin gets into the details of Richie living in Nashville and living as a working drummer. We all know it's one of the most competitive cities for musicians. Which really brings up a discussion about challenging yourself and pushing to reach your goals. Then we fall into Richie's take on Nashville and what he specifically did to prepare for that challenge.

15:00 - 17:00: Here Rich and Richie talk a little about mental practice and finding time no matter what you're doing to practice something. Just like Richie is working on his left foot at a coffee shop while he's talking with us. So that moves into his practice and teaching methods and how he approaches teaching.

17:00 - 23:00: From there Richie starts talking about a Ted-Ed video that he was watching that was about the neurological effects that music has on the brain. You'll have to listen as we all get into a deep conversation about having drums on the brain. Among other things.

23:00 - 35:00: In our next segment Richie breaks down his personal drum setup for us. He gets into his Mapex shells as well as his Mapex Wraith snare drum which is Matt Halpern's signature snare and man does it sound sweet! He also breaks down his cymbal setup. Richie is using Meinl cymbals and just after we recorded this podcast he made the announcement that he in now endorsing Meinl.

35:00 - 42:00: Now Rich starts to get into Richie's Instagram page and some details on how he built up his following and how he comes up with his content. He really digs into this section and lets us know how he looks at social media and how he puts himself out there. We also chat about the business and get into how social media is part of our brand as drummers and how important it is to look at drumming from that point of view if you plan on being a professional drummer.

42:00 - 46:00: This is a great section that talks a little how important attitude can  help you get gigs. We often heard drummers talk about being easy to personable and professional. It can be the biggest factor on whether or not you get hired for a gig. This also still ties into helping your brand overall! Richie also gets into a little about how being a hard worker can help you with endorsements as well as how throwing yourself into a city with competitive musicians can push you, even more, to work hard.

46:00 - 49:00: Next we talk about how to fit practice in with a busy schedule. Richie goes into detail about consolidation to make the most out of your time and how that can be applied to drumming and to life.

49:00 - 53:00: Here Rich points out how drummers can use the tools we have to find creative ways to make revenue in creative ways highlighting your skills and knowledge as a drummer. Also how important it can be to be active in a media rich world to help make an impact on people. You never know who you could be influencing and how it could be helping other people. That alone can be the sign of great success.