Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

Jared Falk – Drummers I Like Podcast #21

October 28, 2016

Welcome back to the Drummers I Like podcast. Today we have a very special guest! Jared Falk owner and founder of Drumeo!
Today's show is a real treat both for us as hosts and for all you listeners as well. Jared has had quite an effect on all of us here at Drummers I Like and we couldn't be happier to have Jared on the show! It's really cool to get into topics such as his background with drumming, how he founded Drumeo, and his personal preferences on gear and setup. As always make sure to check out our last part of the show, Rapid Singles! Always good for some awesome off the cuff answers. So let's get on with the show!
4:00 - 10:00: In the usual Drummers I Like fashion, we kick things off with our introduction and hearing a little about how Jared found music and how he gravitated toward the drums. It's great to hear his early story here and how hockey was truly his first love. "Like any good Canadian boy." He talks about his very first kit and It has some cool history. He also touches on his first lessons and how that helped set his foundation and a little about the learning curve for beginner drummers. Then after only a little over a year of drumming, he started to teach lessons. So you can see Jared's love of drumming education started almost along with his love for playing drums!

10:00 -12:00: As we move along Jared talks about a local church event that was held every week that gave him the chance to play in a large scale live setting every week. That definitely helped him develop his great chops and build great drumming knowledge and experience. He also gets into his early touring career and how that came to a halt and starts to talk about when he dove back into more technique on the drums.

12:00 - 14:00: Now Jared talks about how his teaching career really kicked off. Then, of course, the early stages of his experimentation with online drum education. He also touches a bit on his personal tastes in music.

14:00 - 27:00:  This next segment is really a lot of fun to listen to. Here you'll here Jared break down the history of Drumeo. From his humble beginnings of starting to tap into the online drum education field. All the way to where Drumeo is today! It's cool to hear about the process of building up to where he and his company is today and equally valuable to hear about some of the hardships that he's had to endure as well.

27:00 - 29:00: Here we all touch a bit on the state of the music industry and how we feel musicians now may have some of the best opportunities that have been around for quite a while. As long as you can be disciplined. Rich also touches on having a backup plan as a musician to be ready for the possibility of not having a steady paying gig.

29:00 - 38:00: In our next spot Rich digs into exactly when Jared went full time with drum education. Then Kevin brings up how Jared finds time to practice his personal drumming with everything that he has going on. Then we talk about what type of stuff he is practicing specifically these days. Things like independence, working on material for clinics and soloing.

38:00 - 48:00: Now Rich brings up the P4 practice pad and we get into some of the details of Drumeo's premier practice tool. Rich ordered his while we were on this chat so I'm sure he'll be telling us all about soon on an upcoming podcast.

48:00 - 53:00: Here Jared breaks down his kit and his personal gear preferences. Gear talks are always fun and this was no exception. Make sure to listen for him to break down his personal Yamaha kit and his Paiste cymbal selection.

53:00 - Rapid Singles

1. What was holding you back from becoming the successful drummer? – How he budgeted his time. In this, he talks about trying to design your life in a way you can achieve your goals as a drummer.  
2. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?