Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

Michael Levine – Drummers I Like Podcast #15

September 16, 2016

Hey, Everyone! Welcome to another episode of the Drummers I Like Podcast! On today's episode, we bring on metal powerhouse and Birmingham, Alabama Native Michael Levine.
Along with continually pushing himself to the next level, Mike is currently playing and touring with Metal Outfit Exotype and Experimental groove house The Poison Kitchen.
So take out your Notepads and get ready for another great episode! 
Today, Mike takes us through his experience going through the ranks of a local drummer that made his way to the big leagues offering insight on his hard work and passion. Touching base on his ethic, we talk about his entrance into the industry with the metal machines Bermuda leading into his stint with Glasscloud and the call that eventually lead him into joining his current projects.

Mike is an encyclopedia of knowledge and this episode doesn't fall short on the educational value side so tune in.

11:oo-29:00 - Mike breaks down his intro to music and his first drum set being built from books, pillows, pots and pans including being professional. " If everything you do is based on professionalism, you're going to succeed."

32:00 - 51:00 - Mike talks about his setup and the steps he takes to master his craft, keep up with his material and overall practice to continue to progress. We touch specifically on using metronomes and putting a mic on your kick and isolating it in your ears.

51:00 - 55:00 - We talk on tracking drums and the uprising in guitar players writing the drum parts and drummers falling more in line with allowing programmed drums do the work for them. We touch on the quality aspect as well as the question of affordability and saving a few bucks on studio time. Mike also touches on the current state of recording in the studio and how we have gone from being the first to track, to the last.  We also talk about the advantages that come with tracking last v.s.'s first.

55:00-1:00:00 - Richard touches on Mike's Guitar CEnter Regionals winning streak diving into the focus it takes. We talk about his paradigm shift when it comes to playing and being around the industries so-called " top players " and how they aren't the robots and machines we always perceive to be." Everyone has the ability to be right up there with the top drummers."

1:00:00-1:05:00 - Mike catches us up on his current bands including updates on what we can expect from Exotype, including a new album. He also fills us in on his project entitled " The Poison Kitchen " featuring sherder Ian Eubanks. He also lets us know that he will be filling in with It Lives, It Breathes on a direct support tour with Ice Nine Kills.

1:05:00 - 1:19:00 - Rapid Singles

1. What was holding you back from becoming the successful drummer? - Speed and Strength - 8 on the hand
2. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? - Always push through 
3. What's a personal habit that contributes to your success? - Time management 
4. Share a resource or tool that helps you survive as a drummer? - Tru Tuner 
5. Recommend just one book. what would it be and why? - The Orange book
6.Imagine you woke up tomorrow in a world exactly like ours, you still had all the same knowledge and talent that you have as a drummer but you know no one. All you have is $500, a smartphone, and small portable drum set. What would you do first? - Get a GoPro, Start making videos and posting them to youtube. Mike would go to shows and start making connections with other artists and bands. " I would just hang out by the vans and start a conversation with them ".

1:19:00 -1:40:00 -  Show outro
We are stoked to have brought episode 15 of the Drummers I like Podcast. Michael Levine is not only a fantastic musician but a fantastic mind as well. Make sure to check out Mike's great bands,