Drummers I Like Podcast

Drummers I Like Podcast

Steve Carey – Drummers I Like Podcast #8

June 29, 2016

What’s up everybody? We’re back with another Drummers I Like podcast and we are very excited this week to present (drumroll) Steve Carey drummer of The Color Morale. We’ve been following Steve for a long time and it was great to feature him here on our podcast. He is a really great guy who has an amazingly positive outlook on life and it was good to chat with such an upbeat and generally awesome person!

Rich and Kevin thought of some great topics to go over with Steve. He has a lot of great things going on right now so it was perfect timing to talk with him about things like his background in drumming. Steve came from a pretty musical family and really credits his parents for getting him into music from a young age. His father is a guitarist and big Beatles fan, so when Steve was first developing his drumming skills he would jam with his dad and that helped to build his musical foundation. He credits his mom with his love for soul and r&b influence. This great environment really helped Steve become the drummer he is today.
Another topic we discuss is how his band got started and some of the new things we can expect from them. They will be releasing their new album Desolate Divine on Aug 19th and they dropped their first song “Walls” the same day we conducted our interview. It was exciting to talk a little about the recording process for this new album as well as some insight into how they approached writing this album so make sure to listen for that!
We also got into talking about his beautiful DW drum kit as well as some of his favorite Zildjian cymbals. Kevin really liked hearing about the 21″ A Custom 20th Anniversary Ride cymbal which caught his attention from seeing some of Steve’s performance videos. Everyone will get a chance to see Steve this summer when he’s on the Van’s Warped Tour! He’ll be doing his best to stay hydrated on the grueling summer tour that we all look forward to every year! The whole chat was very laid back and just felt like a few guys just sitting around talking drums and shooting the wind. We hope all you listeners really dig our talk!

Don’t forget to check out all of Steve’s links below these notes to keep up with him and to keep an eye out for some of his really cool videos. He really likes to play a lot of different grooves and we always look forward to seeing what he’s posting next. We would also love for you listeners out there to give us your feedback on how we’re doing! Get on Itunes and leave us a rating and/or review. It helps to see how we’re doing and where we can improve as well as help other drummers find our show and enjoy the Drummers I Like community we are trying to grow. Be on the lookout for another show soon! We can’t wait to bring our next podcast to all you drummers out there. Till next time!
Links for Steve
Steve Carey Instagram
Facebook: facebook.com/tcmsteve
Twitter: @TCMSTEVE
The Color Morale Links
Instagram: @thecolormorale
Facebook: facebook.com/thecolormorale
Twitter: @thecolormorale
Listen to the new single ” Walls” HERE