Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Latest Episodes

March 24th - How We Find Unity
March 24, 2020

How do we find the balance between our individual freedoms and the overall safety and well-being of society as a whole?

ENFPs, This Is Your Time To Shine!
March 23, 2020

Well...Now you can't complain that life is boring and always the same. :)

March 20th - Would You Start a Mask Business?
March 20, 2020

If you had the opportunity to get into the business of selling masks or any other quarantine-related items now, would you?

Time to Act (Time Sensitive)
March 18, 2020

You wrote and I listened

Important Guide to Covid 19 Coronavirus (From Inside Spain)
March 18, 2020

Two close friends of mine have been in Beijing since the Covid 19 coronavirus outbreak started and gave me a heads-up early on what to do and how to prepare. So, I've been following this virus really closely and wanted to share as much as I can with you.

How to Express Your Ideas Successfully as an INFP (AskDan)
March 16, 2020

Being an INFP, do you often feel like you have this rich and valuable inner world full of creative ideas and thoughts? Sometimes does it feel like you can't seem to express them in the right way?

Your First Voice Message Questions Answered!
March 13, 2020

In this exclusive and very exciting episode I'm answering first voice messages I've received from you via my AskDan page!

ENFP Unhappy Marriage & Being Gay in Saudi Arabia (AskDan)
March 13, 2020

In this AskDan episode, I'm answering a few sensitive questions: A gay, agnostic subscriber from Saudi Arabia not accepted by her family and community, an ENFP in an unhappy marriage with an ESFJ, and an entrepreneur trying to make ends meet.

Dating an ENFP: How To Be Their Best Partner (AskDan)
March 12, 2020

So you have a big crush on an ENFP...What now?! As an ENFP myself, I'm sharing some very important tips for dating an ENFP, what we are looking for in a relationship, and how to be our BEST partner!