Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Dreams Around The World - The Podcast For ENFPs (Campaigners), ADHDers, and Ambitious Creatives

Latest Episodes

Are ENFPs Really Extroverted?
December 14, 2020

I'm an ENFP and sometimes I need to be alone. Like really alone. Lock the door and power up the bluetooth headphones alone. So does this mean I'm not an extrovert? But aren't ENFPs extroverts? Well, the answer is, complicated. I'm continuing my look...

ENFP-T Advice
December 10, 2020

If you are an ENFP T, this advice is specifically for you. Compared with the ENFP A type, you're going to do thinks a little differently which can create some challenges often associated with the ENFP personality. ENFP-Ts have a lot of opportunity for...

ENFP T or ENFP A? THIS is The Difference
December 08, 2020

Are you an ENFP T or ENFP A? Seriously, which are you? OK, now that we have that out of the way...what is the difference between these two ENFPs and why does it matter?  ►The Big 5 Bonus Pack◄ It turns out it matters a lot! I'll explain what...

Hard Work + ENFP = Possible? ENFPs and Conscientiousness
December 06, 2020

I'm continuing my look at The Big 5 Personality Traits and The ENFP Personality. Today we're looking at Conscientiousness which includes Orderliness and Industriousness. I'll share how ENFPs relate to this...and don't worry...it won't be quite as...

Erik Thor Interview
September 15, 2020

Part One

I made it to Hamburg...and tested negative!
August 26, 2020

An Update Episode

ENFP and IQ - Are ENFPs Gifted?
July 28, 2020

Are we ENFPs geniuses or madmen?!

ENFP Career - Should an ENFP Become a Police Officer?
July 21, 2020

So you want to become a policeman,..

Don't Worry "Former" ENFP, You're Not an INFP
July 19, 2020

You were an ENFP and now you've tested as an INFP?!

Why Rough Sailing Leads to a Smooth Life (Motivational Talk)
July 17, 2020

The truth about your tough times