The Joe Pardo Show

The Joe Pardo Show

234 Threads Launch!!!

July 02, 2019
234 Threads: Limited Edition Entrepreneur Apparel That Helps Homeless Start Businesses
234 Threads launched back on Sunday night at 8 PM EST! Get 10% off the first design by using promo code: SUPER

Why Buy?

1. Helping Homeless Start Their Own Business
Working alongside nonprofits that help homeless people, 234 Threads will host Business Boot Camps to help people experiencing homelessness craft, start and accelerate their own businesses. Bringing people from our 234 Crew together to help support and mentor participants in the Boot Camps.
2. Join Our Global Community
Bringing amazing people together has always been a passion of Super Joe Pardo's (founder of 234 Threads). When you purchase a piece of apparel from 234 Threads you will be invited to our private 234 Crew Facebook Group so you can connect and grow with other like-minded people (entrepreneurs, dreamers, and tech heads) from around the world. You will be invited to private live events hosted by 234 Threads, have access to exclusive courses made for entrepreneurs by Super Joe Pardo, exclusive interviews with leading entrepreneurs and business owners from around the world and get to ask your burning questions to them directly via Facebook Lives only available in the 234 Crew.

Join all four of us at the Mid-Atlantic Podcast Conference this year in Atlantic City, NJ!
Save 15% off your Plus or Premium MAPCON ticket with promo code: mapcon5

MidAtlantic Podcast Conference
Want help getting your business ready for massive growth?
I have been working with business owners for over ten years and can help you design and implement the best plans to help you. Fill out the form below and I will reach out to you within 24 hours to schedule a call to find out learn more about you and your business’ needs.

Learn more about how I work with business owners.

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