Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Latest Episodes

DL016: Hostage of Love — Mixing Business with Pleasure
January 21, 2014

As this episode begins, we see Francis at work in her flower shop when Casey comes in. Francis and Casey start dating, but they also have a business relationship. When your girlfriend runs a flower shop, this might not be the wisest thing to do. Show not

DL016 Hostage of Love - Mixing Business with Pleasure
January 21, 2014

Casey, playboy or  man of purpose? As this episode begins, we see Francis at work in her flower shop when Casey comes in. Francis and Casey start dating, but they also have a business relationship. When your girlfriend runs a flower shop, this might

DL015: Hostage of Love — A cat for a matchmaker
January 14, 2014

A roaming cat brings Francis and Casey face to face for the first time. No, Fran isn't taken hostage! This is a love story, not a thriller!

DL015: Hostage of Love — A cat for a matchmaker
January 14, 2014

Scene 1: A cat for a matchmaker When Francis' cat, Ambrose, goes missing, Francis has a good idea of where to find him. He is in the habit of wandering off and going to visit a kind neighbor lady who feeds him salmon. But the kind old lady has moved, so A

DL014: Barrie Craig reconstructs the crime
December 23, 2013

In this, the final episode of "Blood Money", Barrie Craig questions the son, Stewart Blake, finds evidence against him, but finds stronger evidence that Max has been lying to him from the start. He adjusts his working theory and the pieces fall into place

DL014 Barrie Craig reconstructs the crime
December 23, 2013

Barrie goes to the university campus to question Stewart Blake, the son of the blackmail victim. Although he gets a confession, he doesn't believe it. It is more likely that Stewart, suspecting that his dad did murder Barbar, decides to take the blame. Ba

DL013: Would Wynn Blake have been Justified in Murdering Barbar?
December 17, 2013

When Barrie Craig visits his prime suspect, Wynn Blake, he learns what Barbar had on Blake that led to the blackmail, but Blake won't admit to murdering Barbar. This sixth podcast episode of 'Blood Money', covers scene 12 of the radio play. For show notes

DL013: Would Wynn Blake have been justified in murdering Barbar?
December 16, 2013

Barrie Craig learns from Blake what Barbar had on him that led to blackmail. After years of being blackmailed, would Blake be justified in murdering Barbar? For show notes, go to http://www.dramaticlistening.com/DL013.

DL012 What if our suspect is an outstanding citizen? - Blood Money, Part 5
December 10, 2013

Part 5: Scene 11  [17min 31 sec – 19min 31 sec]  [Duration: 2.00] This is our 5th episode of “Blood Money” with Barrie, Craig — Confidential Investigator. In the radio play, it is scene 11. Barrie shares what he has lea

DL012: What if our suspect is an outstanding citizen?
December 09, 2013

When Max hears that Anatol Barbar left a letter naming an important person as his suspected murderer, he wants to drop the investigation. Barrie disagrees. Part 5 covers scene 11. For show notes, go to http://www.dramaticlistening.com/DL012