Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL014 Barrie Craig reconstructs the crime

December 23, 2013

Barrie goes to the university campus to question Stewart Blake, the son of the blackmail victim. Although he gets a confession, he doesn't believe it. It is more likely that Stewart, suspecting that his dad did murder Barbar, decides to take the blame. Barrie has good reason to doubt Stewarts confession. Stewarts face and build make Barrie look again at his own working theory that has led him to Stewart. He realizes he's had it all wrong. He's been intentionally misled, duped! But he isn't duped any longer. The pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Barrie returns to Max Marcy, first to present his new theory, and then to arrest a most unlikely suspect.

Transcript and word list:
