Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

Dramatic Listening... the podcast where you learn English by listening to radio plays

DL012 What if our suspect is an outstanding citizen? - Blood Money, Part 5

December 10, 2013

Part 5: Scene 11 

[17min 31 sec – 19min 31 sec] 

[Duration: 2.00]

This is our 5th episode of “Blood Money” with Barrie, Craig — Confidential Investigator. In the radio play, it is scene 11. Barrie shares what he has learned from Neala Ghallard with Max Marcie.

They discuss this new information and the implications of going on with their investigation. In other words, if they continue investigating this murder, how is it going to end? Will they be satisfied with what they find out and who they have to punish or will a good citizen’s name be ruined?

Max wants to back off, stop investigating. He hopes he can persuade Barrie to do the same.

But this is where we see Barrie Craig’s character come through — he remains loyal to his own sense of justice. If it turns out that someone from the upper class has committed this murder, Barrie Craig thinks that person should be punished just like anyone else. They should not get off easy just because they are rich or because of their good reputation. Even if a murder victim is a criminal, his murder should not go unpunished. The law treats each person equally. Barrie wants to see the law carried out with all honesty.

Transcript and wordlist: http://ventureintoenglish.com/crimeVocab/radio/bloodmoney5.php