Do Weekly Podcast

Episode 065: Analog January, Part 5
Welcome back, dear listeners to yet another episode of Do Weekly Podcast-ery. Are you ready to level up and become more awesome?
We kick off this week with some serious failures. Natalie shares a tale of woe. She promised a client of hers that she would get something done. She told the client not to touch the site until the thing was done. The client was like cool beans. The client even had a couple of people standing by for notification when they could use the site again. But Natalie dropped the ball and didn’t get the thing done. Life happened and she kinda forgot about the thing she had to do. Nat’s client was okay with everything but was less than pleased.
Here’s the thing folks. Everybody poops. We all mess up. You just have to own your mistakes. I’ve nuked client databases on live; I’ve sent frothy angry emails accidentally to the wrong people.
Don’t worry folks, our challenge this week isn’t to mess up and piss off your clients. Nope!
Last Week’s Challenge
We’re late. So sorry. Even though it’s April, we’re STILL doing the whole Analog January Challenge. This week we talk about moving, be out in the world without your phone for fifteen minutes. COVID-19 of course says that we should all be staying home or observing social distance. So keep that in mind when you’re deciding to go out and do something active.
That said, we talked about moving and getting outside without our phones. I was fine with this before the Pandemic hit. Natalie did well, too, but opted to keep her phone on her for safety reasons.
In fact, you can use this time of increased home bodied-ness to do meditation or even yoga. Something that helps you clear your mind and address any anxiety that surely exists in these crazy times we’re living in.
Educational Course Update
I have not worked on my course, since everything that’s been going on. Plus, I had a project that required a lot of attention. So I haven’t made any progress and I just haven’t gotten things finished.
As for Natalie, she got stopped up on a large chapter. She’s doing an ebook on accessibility for small business owners. She got stopped on creating content due to the inherent complexity of writing about accessibility for small biz owners.
Next Week’s Challenge
The challenge is to use the time we have now to get things done and push the educational product across the finish line.
Need help? Ping us on Instagram or Twitter @doweeklypodcast.
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