DoubleStack - The Business of Web Design

DoubleStack - The Business of Web Design

3 Lead Gen Tips For Modern Web Design

November 10, 2020

People no longer buy “web design” for the prices you probably want to be charging. Many web designers, however, are still trying to generate leads for traditional, old-school web design.

* You are competing against the entire world
(Upwork, Fiverr, crowded Facebook groups, everyone on LinkedIn, etc.)
* Paid ads are prohibitively expensive due to the saturation of the market
(so you primarily – if not entirely – rely on referrals)
* It's almost impossible to differentiate yourself from everyone else offering the same services
* If you do manage to generate a lead, it is usually for low-ticket, one-off projects
* Then you're back looking for more leads
(repeating this sequence of problems)

This sequence is the underlying root cause of the price race to the bottom for web design.

The Price Race To The Bottom
When I first started coaching web designers a few years ago the average price for a WordPress website was about $3,500. Even that was too low to build a reliable 6-figure business. Now it is even worse. Today, people struggle to get over $1,000. Most clients who are “looking for a website” are thinking the price is going to be around $500 to $1,000. If you quote a price much higher than that, the client is just going to go with someone else who (in their mind) will do “the same thing” for less.
So, here are three lead generation tips for modern web design that will enable you to find the type of clients that will enable you to build your own 6-figure web design consulting business.
What Interests Your Clients?
It's super common to want to write about what you know – especially if you've ever tried to blog. The idea is to write about stuff like the latest Google algorithm update, the benefits of making noise on social media, and new trends in web design. In other words, you write about what YOU know, the stuff YOU have been learning, and the topics YOU find cutting edge and interesting.
Stop doing this.
This is a massive waste of time and energy. The content won't be unique. You're just echoing summaries of things people (with more of a following than you) have already said. Furthermore, even if you do create some traffic for yourself the traffic is going to be more web designers – not the business owners you're hoping to work with.
If you want to build a blog, podcast, YouTube channel, etc. talk about what YOUR CLIENTS are interested in, not what YOU are interested in. 
How Do You Help People?
Another huge opportunity you have is to tell people how you help them. Very few people are doing this. Most people simply list the services they are able to provide and then leave it up to the client to figure out whether or not those services will be helpful.
If I want to bake an apple pie, you're not helping me by taking me to the grocery store UNLESS you also tell me what to buy. If I don't know what ingredients go into an apple pie, walking around a grocery store is not helpful. It's frustrating and overwhelming. I want you to tell me what I need so that I end up with what I actually want.
I'm not looking for ground cinnamon and nutmeg. If you're blogging about those things you'll never attract me because I'm not searching for that. I'm searching for the RESULT – the apple pie. This is crucially important to understand if you want your content to attract the type of traffic that will turn into leads.
Tell people how you help them, not what things you can do for them.
What's Different About You?
One of the biggest changes in the web design world over the last few years has been the massive explosion of all the low-budget ways to get a website. Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace are out there for people who want to build their own websites. Upwork, Fiver, and Facebook groups are packed with people who wi...