dokupied podcast - anime, manga, light novels, industry news

dokupied podcast - anime, manga, light novels, industry news

48 – Gundam Build Divers + Re:Rise

April 08, 2021

Since I just finished watching, I figured it was perfect timing to talk about both my least favorite and tied for my favorite Gundam Build series, Divers and Divers Re:Rise. Funny how that works, huh? I love the Core Gundam/Planet System, Wodom Pod, and Aegis Knight designs. The HG kits are going to look amazing on my shelf!

Where to watch:
Gundam Build Divers (Subbed, Dubbed)
Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise (Subbed, Dubbed)

Orbiting A Distant Planet by Quantum Jazz
Eclosion by Salmo

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