Dig-a-Bit Podcast

Dig-a-Bit Podcast

Latest Episodes

Providence: GOD’S Window (Great Escapes M06E02) - Dig-a-Bit Podcast
February 19, 2018

Dig-A-Bit is a weekly mini Bible study with Cindy Colley. It supplements the Digging Deep Bible study for women. In this episode, Cindy discusses providence and Elisha. For more information about Digging Deep, visit TheColleyHouse.org.

Elijah Seeks First (Great Escapes M06E01) - Dig-a-Bit Podcast
February 13, 2018

Dig-A-Bit is a weekly mini Bible study with Cindy Colley. It supplements the Digging Deep Bible study for women. In this episode, Cindy discusses providence and Elijah. For more information about Digging Deep, visit TheColleyHouse.org.

David and Providence (Great Escapes M05E04) - Dig-a-Bit Podcast
February 06, 2018

Dig-A-Bit is a weekly mini Bible study with Cindy Colley. It supplements the Digging Deep Bible study for women. In this episode, Cindy discusses God's Providence and David. For more information about Digging Deep, visit TheColleyHouse.org.

God meant It for Good (Great Escapes M05E03) - Dig-a-Bit Podcast
January 29, 2018

Dig-A-Bit is a weekly mini Bible study with Cindy Colley. It supplements the Digging Deep Bible study for women. In this episode, Cindy continues talking about Joseph and the providence of God. For more information about Digging Deep,

Providence: the Answer of Peace (Great Escapes M05E02) - Dig-a-Bit Podcast
January 24, 2018

Dig-A-Bit is a weekly mini Bible study with Cindy Colley. It supplements the Digging Deep Bible study for women. In this episode, Cindy discusses Joseph and Providence. For more information about Digging Deep, visit TheColleyHouse.org.

Close to a Miracle (Great Escapes M05E01) - Dig-a-Bit Podcast
January 08, 2018

Dig-A-Bit is a weekly mini Bible study with Cindy Colley. It supplements the Digging Deep Bible study for women. In this episode, Cindy discusses miracles and providence. For more information about Digging Deep, visit TheColleyHouse.org.

Forgiveness Without Repentance? (Great Escapes M04E04) - Dig-a-Bit Podcast
January 04, 2018

Dig-A-Bit is a weekly mini Bible study with Cindy Colley. It supplements the Digging Deep Bible study for women. In this episode, we link Glenn Colley's lesson on forgiveness without repentance from PTP. - For more information about Digging Deep,

Repentance: Jonah in the Big Fish (Great Escapes M04E03) - Dig-a-Bit Podcast
December 28, 2017

Dig-A-Bit is a weekly mini Bible study with Cindy Colley. It supplements the Digging Deep Bible study for women. In this episode, Cindy discusses Jonah and the big fish. For more information about Digging Deep, visit TheColleyHouse.org.

Repentance Prompters (Great Escapes M04E02) - Dig-a-Bit Podcast
December 22, 2017

Dig-A-Bit is a weekly mini Bible study with Cindy Colley. It supplements the Digging Deep Bible study for women. In this episode, Cindy discusses various repentance prompters. For more information about Digging Deep, visit TheColleyHouse.org.

Abimelech and Ignorance (Great Escapes M04E01) - Dig-a-Bit Podcast
December 14, 2017

Dig-A-Bit is a weekly mini Bible study with Cindy Colley. It supplements the Digging Deep Bible study for women. In this episode, Cindy discusses Abimelech and Ignorance in Genesis 20. For more information about Digging Deep, visit TheColleyHouse.org.