Latest Episodes
Making yourself happy first
Do not let other people dictate your happiness! It’s your life take control.
Holding on to your faith
This episode is about holding on to your faith in God and reminding yourself how we shouldn’t lose our relationship with God he should always come first!
It’s important to love yourself so that you can build that confidence. That comfort that you can give yourself mentally and physically from being confident is endless. Never stop trying to better yourself! Never let anyone put you down and make you feel l
Lettting go!
Don’t hold onto what’s breaking you or what broke you. What’s controlling your mind and stopping your clear conscience.
Setting small goals to reach big ones!
Everyone always wants to jump towards that big prize. Instead of waiting and humbling themselves to go through the experiences to get to that big prize just because someone else has it doesn’t mean you need it at that moment.
You are enough!
You live your whole life with people telling you these standards but fail to tell you that you don’t need to worry about what everyone else thinks because you will always be enough for yourself and more!
Conquering fear!
Conquering fear isn’t always easy it’s something that we all struggle with and try to avoid. But we need to address this topic to not be so close-minded.
Loving yourself can be as simple as you simply being yourself!
Today I will be explaining why loving yourself is so important in this world despite all the crazy things we have in our lives as adults. Also explaining the urgency of having a relationship with God and yourself before anyone else gets into your circle.