Design vs Dev

Design vs Dev

Latest Episodes

Upcoming Changes to JavaScript with ECMAScript 6 Harmony - Design Vs Dev - Episode 3
September 15, 2014

Welcome to Design Vs Dev, a podcast about web development from the different perspectives of designers and developers. In our third episode, Drew and Micah discuss JavaScript and its secret identity, ECMAScript. There are some changes on the horizon. Top

CSS Preprocessors - LESS and SASS - Design Vs Dev - Episode 2
September 01, 2014

Welcome to Design Vs Dev, a podcast about web development from the different perspectives of designers and developers. In our second episode, Drew and Micah discuss CSS Preprocessors, specifically SASS and LESS. Topics Covered What is a CSS Preprocesso

Web Fonts - Design Vs Dev - Episode 1
August 17, 2014

Welcome to Design Vs Dev, a podcast about web development from the different perspectives of designers and developers. In our first episode, Drew and Micah discuss Web Fonts and how best to include them in your project. Topics Covered What is a web font
