Design vs Dev

Design vs Dev

Latest Episodes

Design vs Dev: CSS Keyframe Animations
April 27, 2015

Today we discuss CSS keyframe animations and Drew gives his opinion after coming off a project where he used dozens of small keyframe animations to bring attention to various parts of the page. AWDG Official Podcast

Design vs Dev: Mac vs PC vs Linux – When or Why Would You Switch?
April 06, 2015

Today we discuss your operating system of choice, why you made that decision, and when you should consider switching. We are not going to debate which is the best, but instead try to examine why developers and designers end up in a particular ecosystem.

Pricing Strategy – Design vs Dev – Episode 11
March 23, 2015

Today we discuss freelancing (full-time or just moonlighting) and how to charge for your services. Note: We're not discussing how much to charge, but instead how to connect the payment to the work: fixed price, hourly, or other. -

Side Projects – Design Vs Dev – Episode 10
February 02, 2015

Today we discuss side projects and how to leverage them for fun and profit. - AWDG Official Podcast Design vs Dev is now the official podcast of the AWDG, the Atlanta Web Design Group. We will be reaching out more to the AWDG community for topics and...

Local vs Staging – Design Vs Dev – Episode 9
January 19, 2015

Today we discuss what a staging environment is and why it's useful. - Discussion Points - What is local? development? staging? production? Why is a staging environment important? What makes a good staging environment?

SVGs and Their Place on the Web – Design Vs Dev – Episode 8
November 24, 2014

Today we discuss Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs) and how to use them on the web. - Guest Host We are joined by Maria Dixon, a designer and illustrator from Savannah, Georgia. You can find her on: - The Web Twitter Discussion Points -

Semantic Metadata, Microformats, and Microdata – Design Vs Dev – Episode 7
November 10, 2014

Today we discuss adding semantic metadata to your HTML via Microformats and Microdata. - Discussion Points - What is semantic metadata? What standards are there? How could it be used? How is it actually used? Why don't we use it more?

Arguing against older browsers – Design vs Dev – Episode 6
October 27, 2014

Today we discuss how to argue against supporting older browsers, like IE8 and below. The assumption is that if left up to someone else in your organization, your team will end up supporting all browsers back into the stone age.

Flexbox - Design vs Dev - Episode 5
October 13, 2014

Today we discuss the Flexbox CSS layout model and how it will impact future designs. - Discussion Points - What is Flexbox? How does it differ from floats? I can already use Foundation/Bootstrap for a grid or column layout,

Stock Photo Alternatives - Design Vs Dev - Episode 4
September 29, 2014

Today we discuss stock photos and how and why to use (or avoid) them in your web designs. Drew plays the part of the knowledgeable designer, and Micah plays the part of the frustrated and impatient developer.