Design vs Dev

Design vs Dev

Design vs Dev: Estimating

October 20, 2015

Today we discuss Estimating / building a quote with Glenn Stovall, a full stack web developer / consultant. Glenn can be found on the web at, and on twitter @gsto. Get $10 off Glenn's Project Estimation Guide by following this link:
AWDG Official Podcast
Design vs Dev is now the official podcast of the AWDG, the Atlanta Web Design Group. We will be reaching out more to the AWDG community for topics and guest hosts, plus we will have a special place on the AWDG website. A big thanks to the AWDG for adopting us!
Discussion Points

Designers and Devs have to make estimates, and help set deadlines. We do it with incomplete information, it’s hard, and the stakes are high. Bad estimates kill projects.
Misunderstanding or not getting the client’s requirements is a big cause for miscalculated estimates (source: )
Timeboxing / budgeting helps guarantee you ship something, which is important.
There’s always a second release!
Book Recommendation from interview, “The Trusted Advisor”:

Call for Guest Hosts
Hey you! We want you on the podcast! If you're a designer or developer and have a topic you'd like to discuss, we would love to have you on the show. It will take about an hour of your time to record, and you'll get a chance to plug yourself, your product, and/or your company. All you have to do is talk about something you're passionate about. Send me an email at with your topic idea and we'll go from there.
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