Design vs Dev

Design vs Dev

Side Projects – Design Vs Dev – Episode 10

February 02, 2015

Today we discuss side projects and how to leverage them for fun and profit.

AWDG Official Podcast
Design vs Dev is now the official podcast of the AWDG, the Atlanta Web Design Group. We will be reaching out more to the AWDG community for topics and guest hosts, plus we will have a special place on the AWDG website. A big thanks to the AWDG for adopting us!

There are a few spots of distortion in today's podcast. Something went wrong with Micah's audio during the recording, but it's only in a few spots. We apologize.

Discussion Points

What makes a good side project? What should you avoid?
What goals should you shoot for?
How much money can you expect to make directly? What about indirectly?
Should you go it alone? Should you get partners?
What if it stops being fun? How do you handle it when it starts being work?
What kind of promotion and marketing should you expect to do?

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