Design vs Dev

Design vs Dev

Semantic Metadata, Microformats, and Microdata – Design Vs Dev – Episode 7

November 10, 2014

Today we discuss adding semantic metadata to your HTML via Microformats and Microdata.

Discussion Points

What is semantic metadata?
What standards are there?
How could it be used?
How is it actually used?
Why don't we use it more?
Should I use it on my web pages/apps?

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Resources - Microdata schema definition site.
Open Graph - The meta tag side of Open Graph (not the Facebook App side).
Microformats - An older standard, mostly superceded by Microdata.
Google's Microdata Support - Specifically, look at the bottom to see the list of entities they support
Google drops support for authorship metadata
Structured Data Testing Tool - Use this to test if you're correctly adding your semantic metadata.
Extracted metadata from one of my websites - This is my D&D game on Obsidian Portal. You can see the metadata extracted.
Extracted metadata from my profile - This is Micah's profile page on Obsidian Portal. It gives a lot of metadata about Micah.
OG Linter - Help debug your Open Graph meta tags. (Suggested by Melinda in the comments.)

Follow Up

Re: Semantic Metadata - by Carlos Loeza, where he lays out his ideas on why we should all be using Microdata.