CVUSD iCenter
Latest Episodes
iCenter Podcast Ep. 8: VAPA Training and "Nuggets" of Knowledge
In this episode, the iCenter Team gives an overview of our VAPA Training with our elementary Pathway to Success teachers. It was a very organic, unconference style training that allowed everyone to walk away with their own "Nuggets" of Knowledge. We talk
Ep. 7: Silver State CUE 2018 Recap
In this episode, Brian and Eddie talk about their experiences from Silver State CUE 2018 in Nevada. The two represented Coachella Valley USD and the iCenter by presenting 5 different sessions on Building your PLN, Podcasting, HyperDocs, and triTECHta as w
Ep. 6: #CUE18 Review
In this episode, Patrick, Brian, and Eddie share key learnings from #CUE18. The team recaps each day of CUE and shares highlights from presentations they attended and shares resources from the presenters. Build your PLN from following some of these amaz
Ep 5: Digital Storytelling
In this episode, we talk about tools for digital storytelling. For links to additional check out the iCenter Blog Site at
Ep. 4 IACUE Tech Fest
In this episode we talk about our experiences at IACUE Tech Fest lessons learned resources learned and things you can take back and use in the classroom.
Ep 3: CSWeek & Phishing Emails
In this episode, we Recap our favorite moments from this week’s CVUSD #CSWeek activities. Due to some recent events, we also talk about how to stay safe from phishing attacks when accessing emails. Check out our guide for more information about how to s
Ep. 2: STEAM Playground & HOC
The iCenter Team talks about the upcoming STEAM Playground and resources for Hour of Code.
NWEA, #NYRD, Google Classroom
CVUSD iCenter Week in Review from 11/13-11/16/17. NWEA, Green Eggs & Ham CVUSD iCenter Week in Review 11/13-11/16/17 cont. DMHS Google Classroom Training