Curiosity Daily

Curiosity Daily

Latest Episodes

Body Map, Brain 2.0, Pig Bystanders
December 14, 2022

Today we discuss how the body can physically feel emotions, how axolotls can regenerate their brains, and how pigs can play peacemakers during pig-on-pig fights.

Astronaut Blood, Screen Wrinkles, Save the Snow Crab
December 09, 2022

Today we explore how astronauts blood mutates when coming back from space, how our screens are aging us, and the potential extinction event of the snow crab.

Happy Healthy Kids, Hearing Data, Oystersong
December 08, 2022

Today youll learn about how kids well-being can affect adult heart health, what our ears can tell us about the cosmos, and how playing music meant for oysters can help them adapt to climate change.

Healthy Breaks, Diarrhea Gene, Motorcycle Light
December 07, 2022

Today we discuss the benefits of taking breaks during work, how milk led to death, and a new configuration of lights that might lead to a massive decrease in the amount of motorcycle accidents that ha

Techno-Lonely, TV Glasses, Snooze Button
December 02, 2022

Today we explore how technology is making us lonely, how a new pair of glasses may be expanding your idea of a computer screen, and how hitting the snooze button too many times could ruin your sleep h

Mental Health Robot, Seaweed Coffee, Brain Stimulation for ED
December 01, 2022

Lets talk about a recent study that shows children are more likely to be honest with their emotions when talking to a robot, a revolutionary new way to make single-use coffee pods from seaweed, and,

Health and Connection, 3D Dam, Reliance on English
November 30, 2022

Today youll learn about the behaviors researchers say can make us more connected with each other, how China is building an AI-powered, 3D Printed dam, and how an over-reliance on the English language

Shower Ideas, Medicinal Chocolate, Black Holes Burping
November 25, 2022

Today we explore the science behind getting great ideas in the shower, how regular chocolate consumption can slow down cognitive decline, and how a black hole recently burped out the remnants of a sta

Smart Contacts, Stoned Dolphins, Birdsongs vs Traffic
November 24, 2022

We discuss how scientists have developed a cancer-detecting contact lens, the behaviors of inebriated dolphins, and how listening to birds singing can help our mental health!

Cognitive Bias, Body Battery, 3D Printed School
November 23, 2022

Today youll learn about the science of cognitive bias, how scientists may have found a way to turn your body into a battery, and how the first 3D-printed school in Europe is about to be built in Ukra