Growth Generation

Growth Generation

New Media Niche Discovery #2 – Spiritual Cinema Circle Audio Interview (You Don’t Have to Spray to Succeed)

September 01, 2009

“I think being mainstream is probably a detriment.  You don’t have a particular audience to go for so you do what the movie studios do, you have to spray everybody, which costs you a fortune.” Stephen Simon, founder, Spiritual Cinema Circle (first audio interview excerpt below is about 8 minutes).


Back in 2004, I left my direct marketing agency world of big deals and ran into this small group of friends creating something called Spiritual Cinema Circle.  Like many in the affiliate world, I thought I knew it all, and while I like the project, I never dreamed it could have been a success. 
Then I learned that within months of opening, they had 3,000 subscribers at about $20 a month, and I believe this rose to near 30,000 when they were acquired by Gaiam in 2006.
This was one of my first projects after leaving the hard core world of lead generation, CPA deals, and affiliate marketing.  This project helped me understand the power of the niche and of small teams, and in an amazing way, the ability of dreams to become real.  Just listen to this interview and you’ll understand what I mean.

Here’s the complete, 50 minute interview including much more on entertainment, new media, niche marketing, and Spiritual Cinema Circle. 

Think of this when you try to go mainstream, or bash people with your old school tactics in social media.  There is a change, and it is profitable.
Believe it…Stephen Simon did, and does, and it’s all driven by Friends.