Crunchy Christian Podcast

Crunchy Christian Podcast

7+ simple natural yeast infection remedies for you to try

August 27, 2021

Episode 52-Most women at some point in their lives get a yeast infection. Most of the time, we reach for an over-the-counter anti-fungal medication. But, sometimes we experience nasty side effects from those or we have an allergic reaction. So, it's a good idea to know some natural yeast infection remedies to try. It's also good to understand how to prevent those infections from occurring in the first place. Let's explore how to help ourselves with this common issue.
First, prevent yeast infections!
A bit more about yeast
One key to understanding how to prevent yeast infections is to learn more about the yeast that naturally inhabits our bodies. Everyone has yeast and it has an important role in our internal ecosystem living in all of our potentially exposed areas: skin, mouth, intestines, and vagina. These areas are naturally acidic and keep yeast in check. That's due in part to the Lactobacilli bacteria also living there that release a slightly acidic waste that helps maintain pH.

However, when there is an imbalance, a change in pH to more alkaline can encourage yeast to migrate and become a problem.  In addition, keep in mind that yeast eat sugar and decomposing organic matter. Undigested food in the intestines and a high sugar diet combined with a change in pH can spell disaster. Not only can it lead to yeast infections, but it can also lead to a systemic candida overgrowth that invades the rest of your body. We'll talk more about how such imbalances occur in just a bit.
Symptoms of an infection
Most women are familiar with the intense itching, cottage cheese like discharge, and burning associated with yeast infections. But, it is important to distinguish yeast infections from bacterial infections which have different symptoms. If you're not sure which one you have, it's best to see a qualified health professional for a diagnosis. Bacterial infections require a different approach, so don't overlook this.
Why you're getting infections
So, why did you get the yeast infection in the first place? Remember that yeast migrates from the gut to the vagina because of pH changes and an absence of the bacteria that keep it in check. And, it reproduces rapidly when you eat a lot of sugar. That makes diabetics more vulnerable to yeast infections. But, diabetics are not the only ones. Women on birth control and women who take a lot of antibiotics are also prone to more yeast infections. Listen to the podcast to hear other causes of yeast infections.

So first line of defense is prevention! Eat a low-sugar, anti-inflammatory diet full of good fats and plenty of fruits and veggies. Be mindful of medications, including birth control and especially antibiotics. And consider switching your menstrual products. If you experience recurring yeast infections, maybe your husband has a yeast infection, too. Then, he should try some natural yeast infection remedies at the same time as you are to prevent this.
Natural Yeast Infection Remedies
Food and supplements as natural yeast infection remedies
Your first line of defense should be nutritional. While these types of natural yeast infection remedies don't really kill the yeast, they serve other important purposes. First, they encourage good bacteria to grow which then changes the pH of your gut and vagina. These good bacteria also compete with yeast, creating the proper balance of both in your body. Second, these nutritional helps strengthen your immune system and make it harder for the yeast to grow and spread. So, make sure to incorporate them as part of your natural yeast infection remedies strategy.

Food and supplement helps: