Cross Talk

Cross Talk

Latest Episodes

Bringing Mobile into Public Policy
April 24, 2013

Whilst the government has pursued its gold plated fixed line solution, Australia has become one of the world’s fastest adopters of smart phones. Should mobile have a more central role in government policy?

Can Turnbull do a two step?
April 17, 2013

If Malcolm Turnbull sees fibre as the ultimate solution we will ensure his fibre to the node network is designed for what follows it.

Turnbull’s Broadband Plan Examined
April 11, 2013

Just because Malcolm Turnbull said some nice things about this podcast to the gathered throng at the Communications Day summit, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be critical of his broadband plan.

Is the Digital Dividend priced too high?
April 04, 2013

At the end of this month the spectrum made available by the switch off of analogue TVs goes up for sale. But has the government set too high a price?

NBN Delays: Process or Technology?
March 27, 2013

This week, with the Coalition’s broadband policy just around the corner, NBNCo’s rollout seems fraught with delays.

Dodo's sale is all about scale
March 21, 2013

M2 telecommunications has bought Dodo, the low cost phone provider that now also sells electricity and car insurance! Is it a smart move?

Facebook: the telco of tomorrow?
March 13, 2013

Smart phone subsidies hit telco bottom lines today. But what if Facebook decides to become a service provider in its own right? What chance do retail phone companies have then?

NBN’s MDU Dilemma
March 06, 2013

Who’d have thought it? Connecting fibre into every apartment is proving to be somewhat problematic. So is there a better way of connecting households in multi-dwelling units. Yes there is, but it needs the government to rethink its approach.

A Collaborative Cost Benefit Analysis
February 27, 2013

Malcolm Turnbull wants one. Now Mike Quigley wants one too, if only to put some numbers behind the debate around alternative technology solutions. But when a cost benefit analysis is provided, doesn’t it always say what the sponsor wants to hear?This we

HFC Or Not? The Broadband Question.
February 20, 2013

For the last week Malcom Turnbull has been touting the use of HFC as an interim alternative to fibre. At the very least he wants to focus the fibre roll out on areas that don’t already have HFC. But if extensive upgrades are needed, is it worth the expe