Cross Talk

Cross Talk

Latest Episodes

A cheaper way to roll out faster broadband
July 03, 2013

We have been presented with two ways of delivering faster broadband across our nation. Both involve a fair chunk of money from the taxpayer. But there is a third option that hasn't been considered.

Fibre to the Pom
June 26, 2013

Whilst we wait for a 2021 delivery of a predominantly fibre to the premises network, in the UK OpenReach is on track to deliver fibre to the cabinet to two thirds of the population by Spring next year. Already they’re offering speeds of 80 Mbps, with th

Turnbull's Loose Ends
June 20, 2013

This week CrossTalk looks further into the Coalition’s alternate NBN plan and asks, what if Telstra doesn’t play ball? With Malcolm Turnbull, Rob Oakeshott and Brendan Coady.

If that’s PRISM, what’s ASIO up to?
June 13, 2013

If its true that the US is collecting and sharing data on the online behaviour of foreigners - including Australians - what's ASIO giving them back in return.

LTE, streaming to a car near you soon
June 06, 2013

Ericsson's latest Mobility Report highights the rise of video streaming on mobile networks. General Motors will be offering 4G devices in their cars from next year. So what does this mean for the radio industry.

Turnbull says fibre to the premises can make sense, sometimes
May 29, 2013

In this week’s CrossTalk podcast you’ll hear Malcolm Turnbull, shadow communications minister, says that he supports fibre to the premises, so long as it’s affordable. That affordability could vary from area to area.

The Bandwidth Traders
May 23, 2013

Ten years ago Enron had the bright idea of trading bandwidth, as if it was a commodity like gold. The proposition was crazy, of course, and the idea was buried along with the company. Now, though, we’re starting to see similar ideas emerge.

Gigabit Copper, Gigabit Wireless - why the rush to fibre?
May 15, 2013

It seems the race is on to offer NBN speeds over alternate network technologies. Samsung reckon 5G can break the gigabit barrier and, as we hear, Huawei’s G.Fast prototype could be delivering a similar speed over our legacy copper networks.

There's life in the old copper yet
May 09, 2013

Malcolm Turnbull has a point about FTTN. Copper is showing itself to be more resilient than many would have you believe.

Can telcos do cloud?
May 01, 2013

Do big old telcos have the wherewithal to embrace and capitalise on the fast moving, dynamic world of The Cloud?