Cross Talk

Cross Talk

Latest Episodes

Should ISPs worry about Foxtel?
February 13, 2014

Sometime soon Foxtel will become an ISP. Should other ISPs be worried, after all, when BSKyB tried it in the UK with Sky Broadband, they became the second biggest ISP in the country.

Is FTTdp worth waiting for?
February 06, 2014

Last year’s Strategic Review by NBNCo suggested using a mix of technologies to deliver faster broadband across the country including Fibre to the Node, HFC, Fibre to the Premises, fixed wireless and satellite. But engineer Craig Watkins reckons there’

VoLTE, why the rush?
January 30, 2014

This week on CrossTalk, we ask why is VoLTE so important? In the long term it can mean operators can stop carrying voice over 3G and repurpose the spectrum, but what can it do in the short term?

Goodbye Sensis, Hello Opportunity
January 23, 2014

Telstra’s decision to flog off most of Sensis to Platinum Equity signals the end of old-style thinking for the telco.

Mobile Broadband and the Bush
December 18, 2013

Extending mobile coverage to the more remote parts of the country and the pantomine that is the Senate's NBN Select Committee - both feature in this final edition of CrossTalk for 2013. Complete with jangly bells for Christmas.

NBN's Mixed Review
December 12, 2013

There’s few surprises in the NBNCo Strategic Review. It promises a mixed technology approach to Australia’s broadband network. On the same day that we learnt that Vodafone’s Mr-Fix-It, local CEO Bill Morrow, has been appointed as head of NBNCo. A bi

Senate Hearing Lost in the Detail
December 05, 2013

This week’s CrossTalk summarises the two days of the Senate Committee Hearing on the NBN last week. It’s a 25 minute homage for those people who didn’t take the time off work to watch it unfold in its entirety. Or for those who want to relive some o

Fast and cheap: the HFC solution
November 28, 2013

Even the most ardent supporters of a government built fibre network have been struggling with one thing – closing down Telstra’s HFC network. At the NBN:Rebooted forum the ACCC chair Rod Sims said it could have been a different outcome if the regulato

How long for an NBN reboot?
November 21, 2013

This week we ask, how long will it all take. Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull likens it to turning around a supertanker, but it will, of course, take a lot longer than that. David Epstein, Vice President, Corporate and Regulatory Affairs at Optus,

Take outs from New Zealand
November 14, 2013

This week on CrossTalk we try and see what, if anything, we can take out of the New Zealand experience to assist in our forward telecommunications planning in Australia. Be aware, you might need to accept that they seem to have a better handle on things o