Cross Talk

Cross Talk

Latest Episodes

Where next for mobiles?
April 25, 2014

Mobile devices are now our preferred means of connecting to the internet. That’s a big shift from the days before the iPhone, when mobile broadband was slow and devices difficult to use. So, imagine what the next few years will bring.

Should anyone compete against the NBN?
April 16, 2014

How does the government respond to the TPG challenge? Do they ignore it and hope they go away? The risk is a major dent on NBNCo revenues. But doesn’t the Minister want to engender competition?

The options for NBN in Regional Australia
April 10, 2014

The cost of providing faster broadband coverage to regional Australia is blowing out. So, is there a better way of providing what's needed and stay on-budget?

Will Rules Ever Make Children Safe Online?
April 03, 2014

The government is considering the appointment of Children's eSafety Commission whose role could include powers to instruct the take-down of offensive content on social media sites. Will it go any way to solving the problem?

Should the ACCC be charged with regulation?
March 26, 2014

The Vertigan Review has asked whether the ACCC should be responsible for the economic regulation of the telecommunications industry. Some might say, "if it's not broken, why fix it?". That's a fair point, if it's not broken.

Can Regulatory Reform Create Infrastructure Competition?
March 19, 2014

Last month the NBN Panel of Experts released a Framing Paper on regulatory issues around the National Broadband Network. In this week’s CrossTalk podcast Phil Dobbie suggests that most of the responses come from people who assume that NBNCo will continu

Taking Mobile Competition Further
March 13, 2014

Can the government extend mobile coverage and increase competition? It's a big ask.

Blackspots, where and what next?
March 06, 2014

The government released the complete Broadband Availability and Quality report this week and launched the MyBroadband website. It’s a good start, but is it all that useful?

WiFi - the next great disruptor?
February 27, 2014

Could Wi-Fi be the game changer when it comes to who yields the most power in the mobile space?

Mobile networks in the cloud
February 19, 2014

Alcatel Lucent this week announced that they offer virtualisation of various mobile network management functions. So how will this change life for network operators?