Cross Talk

Cross Talk

Latest Episodes

Intercept Reform: The Devil's in the Detail
July 30, 2014

The government is having another stab at legislating the retention of telecommunications data. We listen in on this week's senate hearing.

Vertigan and the Future: It’s Complicated
July 24, 2014

On this week’s CrossTalk Phil Dobbie, back from a month’s break, tries to get his head around the first report from the Vertigan Panel, the group charged with providing recommendations for telecommunications regulation and the long awaited cost benefi

The C-band debate. Just the start in the quest for spectrum?
June 17, 2014

The debate on freeing up spectrum reserved for satellite for use by mobile operators is just the start in the quest for more frequencies for IMT.

All Noise on the Western Front
June 13, 2014

Three companies are battling it out to provide a new submarine cable link between Perth and Asia. Who will win?

Net Promoter Score: The Pros and Cons
June 05, 2014

The telco world has embraced the idea of the Net Promoter Score. Why? Because its simple. But is that good?

May the Wi-FI Wars Commence
May 29, 2014

Telstra has announced a $100 million-plus strategy to build 8,000 new Wi-Fi access points across the country – Wi-Fi Nation is the rather grand title given to the project. Less than a week later iiNet has announced free Wi-Fi will be available in Canber

How connected cars will change our lives
May 22, 2014

When you think of connecting cars to networks you tend to assume it’s all about infotainment. But, as Phil Dobbie explores in this week’s CrossTalk podcast, it’s more about big data.

Out with TUSMA, now, in with a new USO
May 15, 2014

The government announced that TUSMA – the Telecommunications Universal Service Management Agency – will disappear and its work wound into the shrinking Department of Communications. A bigger task is changing the definition of the Universal Services Ob

Small Cells and pCells - can mobile win on speed and cost?
May 08, 2014

The early plans for the NBN ignored wireless as an access technology anywhere except regional Australia, where fixed technologies were considered too expensive. Since then cellular technologies have come along leaps and bounds and most vendors are talking

NBN: Fixing the Delays and Disappointments
May 01, 2014

At the CommsDay Summit last month Tony Warren, Telstra Group Executive for Corporate Affairs, said NBN ‘s customer handover process was plagued with delays and disappointment. It’s of particular concern as the deadline looms for the disconnection of c