CrabDiving Radio Podcast

CrabDiving Radio Podcast

CrabDiving – Thu 080819 – NRA Cracked The Whip At Trump & Racist Cops Hate Anti-Bias Training

August 08, 2019

The evil NRA cracked the whip at Trump after he suggested he supports strengthening background checks. Some of the victims of the El Paso white supremacist terrorist refused to see the Racist-in-Chief during his self-serving, photo-op visit. The "president" did manage some time between comforting everyone to remind us all of his yooge rally crowd sizes. Speaker Pelosi officially requested Trump order the senate back to vote on sensible gun laws. President Doucheolini may commute the sentence of way-corrupt, former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich. The lawyer for a thug who bodyslammed a kid for wearing a hat during the national anthem said his client was acting on  "Trump's orders." None of us should be concerned about a tiny little radiation leak in Russia. It will be tough to identify suspects in a Florida stolen gun case as they all were attending a weekend-long, anonymous sex orgy. Nobody is shocked to learn racist cops hate anti-bias training. And totally do not worry about the "mildly venomous" snake on the loose at the Bronx Zoo.