CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

CQ Roll Call Policy and Politics

Latest Episodes

Equal Time: Investing in the Culture – the History and Power of Black Philanthropy
August 09, 2024

There is a powerful tradition of giving back in African-American communities – a history highlighted in August, Black Philanthropy Month. And it’s about much more than writing a check. But just as giving circles celebrate efforts to invest in the culture,

Political Theater: Ohio, the [political] heart of it all
August 01, 2024

Ohio is having a moment in the political spotlight, with the Republican vice presidential nominee, Sen. JD Vance, hailing from the Buckeye State, while his home-state colleague, Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown, is in a tight re-election contest that will be

CQ Budget: Spending bill punts
July 29, 2024

Senate appropriators scrapped plans to take up their Homeland Security bill this week, while the House punted on three spending bills before leaving town for an extended summer recess. CQ Roll Call's Aidan Quigley, Valerie Yurk and David Lerman discuss th

Political Theater: Yes things feel crazy, but elections are frequently chaotic, from LBJ to RBG and more
July 26, 2024

If there is one thing elections in the United States brings out, it's chaos. Assassination attempts, resignations, primary challenges, third-party campaigns, economic meltdowns, pandemics and sudden deaths. Join Jason Dick and Nathan Gonzales for a ride d

Appropriations derailed
July 22, 2024

House leaders decided to punt on two of the four spending bills they had hoped to pass this week and plans for votes next week could be scrapped entirely. Senate appropriators, meanwhile, will try to mark up four more of their bills this week without a bi

Equal Time: A History of the Gay Right
July 22, 2024

When it comes to the politics of LGBTQ+ rights in America, the narrative that one party is pro and the other con has taken hold. But the truth is more nuanced and interesting. Coming Out Republican: A History of the Gay Right takes readers from the 19

Political Theater: Happy Days for Republicans in Milwaukee
July 18, 2024

The Republican National Convention in Milwaukee has put some steam in the strides of the GOP, who have taken their 2024 confidence meter up to 11. Republicans feel good about their nominee, Donald Trump, their opponent, Joe Biden, and their chances in Nov

Political Theater: Just the facts, just the facts, with factba.se
July 11, 2024

Want a look at George W. Bushs comments at the 2007 White House Correspondents Dinner? Or what coffee shop President Joe Biden visited last weekend in Harrisburg? Or the White House briefing room seating chart from 2015? There are ways to find all of thi

CQ Budget: GOP's political edge
July 08, 2024

The presidential debate put Democrats on the defensive, led to calls for President Joe Biden to step aside, and left Republicans feeling emboldened. CQ Roll Call's Caitlin Reilly and David Lerman discuss what those political dynamics may mean for tax poli

CQ Budget: Law enforcement funding battle
July 01, 2024

A Commerce-Justice-Science spending bill drafted by House Republicans has triggered partisan disputes over federal law enforcement funding and policies as the GOP majority tries to rein in the Biden administration Justice Department. Senate appropriators,