Covenant of Grace Atlanta - Sermons
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The Righteous Live by Faith
Not by feelings, circumstances, cleverness, or works; the righteous live by faith.
Reorienting Truths
What do we think when God is silent? Perhaps we should go back to what he's already said?
Habakkuk's Burden
The righteous will live by faith. Yet so much of what we want is antithetical to that calling.
The Fruit of Her Hands
The portrait of the Proverbs 31 woman can seem daunting an impossible standard of perfection. But when we see it illustrated through Ruth's story, it becomes more approachable, more human.
The Last Shall Be First
When we embrace hesed love, putting others before ourselves, God works through us in remarkable ways.
Old So and So
What becomes of your name when the cost to love proves too much? The story of Ruth and Boaz, set against the backdrop of God's redemptive plan, reminds us that individual acts of hesed are part of a greater narrative. Each time we choose sacrificial love
Spread Your Wings Over Me
Faith isn't running the numbers or testing different options. Faith holds on to the promises of God in one hand, and then holds on to obedience with the other.
Naomi's Ambitious Plan
True rest comes from surrendering to Christ, not from grasping at worldly comforts. Release your anxieties and find peace in his unfailing love.