CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

Latest Episodes

105 Biomedical ADHD Beyond Appearances – Greenblatt
April 06, 2017

Core biomedical ADHD insights now provide a firm foundation for deeper, more data-driven inquiries that provide more cost-effective interventions - based on measurable molecular physiology details.

104 Prime Recovery For Men In Their Prime – Kienzle
April 04, 2017

Prime Recovery Integrating Men’s Experiences program (PRIME), specializes in the unique recovery needs of men over 40 at Sovereign Health in Palm Desert, CA.

103 Toxin Solutions At Home – Pizzorno
March 30, 2017

Pizzornos's exemplary toxin research and clinical experience punctuate the damaging molecular realities all of us face globally as we continue to produce and use more toxins over time.

102 Addictions, Stimulants & ADHD Treatment Innovations – Bright
March 28, 2017

Opiate & Alcohol Recovery, Stimulants & Executive Function all play a much more important part in comprehensive recovery work. Dr. Bright report data-driven experience with specific stimulants that turn the tide on ADHD in substance abuse recovery.

101 Bipolar, Off-Road Racing & Baja – Peck
March 23, 2017

Bipolar recovery and self-management reported from the desert while off-road racing in Baja. Racing keeps Justin Peck, author of Bulletproof connected with reality.

100 Trauma, Women & Recovery – Drury
March 21, 2017

Women with trauma need specific, highly specialized, comprehensive treatment and recovery strategies. With gender specific trauma, gender-specific care becomes mandatory.

099 First Responder Trauma Reality & Return – Mathias
March 16, 2017

First responder trauma is real & requires preparation before and after traumatic incidents. In this episode, Mathias reports lessons as a trauma team leader.

098 Ayurveda Health & Healing – Shunya
March 14, 2017

Ayurveda healing practice provides alternative opportunities for mind and body healing, beyond medications. Ayurveda teachings provide tools for recovery.

097 Biofilm Candida & Brain Fog – Fresco
March 09, 2017

Candida and its protective biofilm change gut function, contribute to malabsorption and directly affect brain function.

096 Parenting ADHD & Autistic Children – Williams
March 07, 2017

Parenting ADHD and autistic children creates many reasonable yet manageable challenges. Penny breaks down solutions into bite sized actionable steps.