CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

Latest Episodes

125 Insights To Measure Brain Toxins – Shaw
June 15, 2017

Brain toxins contribute to the most difficult, refractory mind conditions on the planet. Dr. Shaw discusses measurement protocols for improved accuracy

124 Insightful Intention Evolves Thinking – Tsipursky
June 13, 2017

Insightful intentional thinking can help anyone improve their thinking process, their self-management skills to evolve from frozen systems 1 perspectives

123 Targeted Neuroplasticity – Kennedy
June 08, 2017

Targeted neuroplasticity training serves as both a prevention and a recovery tool - indeed a tool for balance living in the context of unpredictable change.

122 Kortex Virtual Reality Mind Tools – Roman
June 06, 2017

Virtual reality tools now add an even more promising support system for a number of refractory conditions, and they will soon synergize w the original Fisher Wallace

121 Homeopathy Insights For Trauma – Adalian
June 01, 2017

Homeopathy now addresses far more than treatment failure associated with chronic medical challenges. Listen as Adalian moves the bar forward for trauma recovery.

120 Yoga, Science and Mind – Perlmutter
May 30, 2017

Yoga becomes medical - evidence is everywhere that meditation improves health, mental acuity, emotional balance and spiritual connection.

119 Achievement Beyond Negative Mind – Friesen
May 25, 2017

Achievement perspectives deteriorate with negative thinking and negative constructs that prohibit reasonable objectives and constructive strategies.

118 Why Use Neuropsychology Measures – Braun
May 23, 2017

Neuropsychology provides specific, actionable answers beyond clinical questions to precisely measure brain function before & after treatment interventions.

117 Nutrition Details Prevent Chronic Illness – Fuhrman
May 18, 2017

Nutrition challenges always contribute to the evolution of chronic illness from heart disease, diabetes, to immunity issues. Dr. Fuhrman details why and how.

116 Suicide, Brain Injury & Recovery – Hampton
May 16, 2017

Suicide, depression, anxiety & subsequent brain trauma can keep you developmentally stuck - dead in your own skin. Hampton tells details on how to live past it