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CoreBrain Journal

183 Probiotics Improve Mind Treatments – Trenev

January 04, 2018

Probiotics Reports: How They Improve the Mind
The real voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
~ Marcel Proust
Natasha Trenev  - As a developmental scientist, health activist, and internationally renowned probiotic authority, Natasha Trenev has spent years studying the effects of beneficial bacteria and has written several books on the subject of how probiotics improve the mind and overall health. Co-founder of Natren, Inc., she is a member of the

* American Society of Microbiology,
* American Association for the Advancement of Science,
* Institute of Food Technologists,
* Anaerobe Society of the Americas, and the
* American Dairy Science Association.

She's considered by many "The Mother of Probiotics." Her considerable accomplishments that appear in her show notes here confirm this accolade.
Brief Introduction
Following her graduation from UCLA in 1970, a decade of research led to Natasha’s development of the first revolutionary method of producing an effective and scientifically validated single strain probiotic bacteria product. Her efforts led to the establishment of the entire probiotics category in North America, Australia, England, Holland, and Belgium.

Her interesting views on probiotic specificity are, in a word, remarkable.
Significant Contributions
Some of Natasha Trenev’s accomplishments include:

* Introduced the previously unknown category of probiotics to the North American health food industry and dietary supplement industry;
* Authored the Dairy Standards for liquid yogurt adopted by the California Department of Agriculture in 1969;
* Established perishable sections in the health food stores across the nation from 1970-73 to sell yogurt;
* Assisted in establishing perishable distributors nationwide to sell yogurt;
* Worked with the Vice President of United Airlines to establish user-friendly rates to ship perishables cross country by air in 1971;
* Authored Probiotic Standards adopted by the National Nutritional Foods Association in July of 1989;
* Established the National Standards for Probiotics read into The Congressional Record in 1995;
* Committed 35 years to convince retailers to sell probiotics in refrigerated sections of stores;
* Invested 35 years educating the public, professionals, doctors, and scientists that probiotics are the most important health concept of the 21st Century

Today, Natasha’s reference library is the world’s largest private repository on the multiple implications of probiotics, and is referenced and recommended by prominent research scientists and medical schools.

*Photo by Drica Pinotti on Unsplash
Natasha's Experience In Setting Probiotic Standards
In 1980, I made arrangements with a research facility that gave me access to a laboratory, where I began culturing my own probiotic supplements. I processed cultures, supervised the freeze-drying and powdering processes, and even helped with the bottling. Everything was billed and shipped from my home. My husband trucked in dry ice every day to keep the live bacteria supplements from deteriorating in the garage, where we were forced to keep them stored.

For many years, I found myself continually frustrated by the lack of established standards for probiotics. Probiotics of the finest quality competed in the ...