CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

176 CBD – Cannabinoids | Medical Marijuana & Brain Injury – Patel

December 12, 2017

CBD Improves Treatment Options for TBI, CTE
Dr. Rachna Patel works in her practice with medical marijuana since 2012. She step-by-step walks patients through how to use medical marijuana for their specific medical condition. This episode helps clarify the use of CBD from marijuana without getting high off of it, without getting addicted to it, and without smoking it.

CBD is different than THC.

She speaks from the experience of having treated thousands of patients and having thoroughly reviewed the medical research on marijuana.  I invited her for this interview to help understand therapeutic implications and her work with CBD, especially as indicated for pain treatment issues in the context of the current opiate crisis.
Interesting Video On This Mechanism

Website & References

* Biegon, A, Cannabinoids as neuroprotective agents in traumatic brain injury,
* Mechoulam R1, Panikashvili D, Shohami E, Cannabinoids and brain injury: therapeutic implications,

Additional Insights From CBJ Guests

* Brain Injury:
* CBJ/167 Science And Contrarian Thinking Beyond Dogma - Virol
* CBJ/147 Medical Marijuana - CBD & Cannabinoid Options - Rose

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Until next time, thanks, Dr. Patel for joining us again here at CBJ to review the challenges so often seen with treatment failure for brain injury.
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