CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

174 Adolescent Brain Development – Coates

December 05, 2017

Learning To Consider Options - Humility
Dr. Denny Coates is the CEO of Performance Support Systems, publisher of adult assessment, learning systems, and adolescent brain development. To support this work Denny has studied brain function and brain development since 1987. His focus during the past six years has been speaking and writing to help parents, mentors and therapists understand how to maximize the development of the adolescent brain. His interview at CBJ/174 interestingly dovetails with this School Culture interview at CBJ/173 with a focus on markers and tasks for adolescent development.
Website & eBook

* The Race Against Time -  Complimentary Download at


Additional Similar Recovery Insights From CBJ Guests

* Mindset Experts Page -
* Adolescent and Teen Expert Commentary -

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Until next time, thanks, Dr. Coates for joining us again here at CBJ to review the challenges so many face when considering adolescent and adult development.
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*Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

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