CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

170 War PTSD & Recovery – First Person – Violet

November 21, 2017

War, PTSD, and Recovery - First Person Accounting From Childhood
The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.
~ Ernest Hemingway
Lily Violet, [a pen name], is the 30-year-old author of the book, Cinnia's Story, based on her own life story of overcoming PTSD from a war zone childhood. She is a professional chef with over 15 years of experience, but most exciting for her, she is a mother to a beautiful baby boy. Lily was born in a small Eastern European country but immigrated to Australia in her early 20s and that abiding past war trauma forces her to keep anonymity intact.
A Refugee Reports Specific PTSD Challenges
From a very young age, she found herself trapped in a war zone, living day to day in fear for her own life and the lives of her family. Unfortunately, the war not only took away her childhood but the life of her grandfather, as well. Years of trauma created a serious PTSD, traumatic life experience.

Lily has experienced repeated life struggles, including surviving two wars, being bullied through high school and in the workplace, suffering numerous health issues, to being a victim of domestic abuse. But these tragedies have only made her stronger.

Lily currently resides in Sydney with her husband and enjoys spending all of her time with their new baby boy. Becoming a mother is one of the greatest gifts in her life and her greatest accomplishment. She comes to our CBJ group with remarkable experiences from a catastrophic life, to report on trauma and recovery.
Website & Book

* Website:  
* Cinnia's Story - Violet - Global Amazon Link


Additional Veteran & Mindset Recovery Insights On PTSD From CBJ Guests


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Until next time, thanks Lily for joining us here at CBJ to review the challenge we face when the Reality of PTSD turns a more painful narrative in our lives.
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