CoreBrain Journal

CoreBrain Journal

169 Narcissism Survival Guide – Behary

November 16, 2017

Narcissism Survival Requires Advanced Self Management
In or Out of the Relationship

He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals.
~ Benjamin Franklin

Wendy Behary, LCSW has co-authored several chapters and articles on Schema Therapy and Cognitive Therapy for narcissism.  She is the author of  Disarming the Narcissist…Surviving and Thriving with the Self-Absorbed (New Harbinger Publications—2008 & 2013) - now translated into 10 languages.
Wendy specializes in treating narcissists and the people who live with and deal with them. As an author and an expert on the subject of narcissism, she is a contributing chapter author of several chapters on Schema Therapy for Narcissism (Wiley and APA Press, 2011, 2012, 2013).
She lectures both nationally and internationally to professional and general audiences on the subject of Schema Therapy, and the subject of narcissism, relationships, and dealing with difficult people. Her consultation work with organizations includes speaking engagements focused on interpersonal conflict resolution.
Personal Note

* In this CBJ review of narcissism, Wendy makes clear the paradox - how distant and alone they are, and how their low self-esteem excuses every move because they are, beneath all the posturing and posing, so fragile. They rationalize that empty, painful reality - thinking they do deserve special treatment. That demanding painful fragility can become seductive and draw others in to fix them - which they use and don't give back.
* You know people like this - in and outside of the office. We all do. These maladaptive patterns of disrespectful narcissism provide global news every day.

Website & Book

* Disarming the Narcissist - Behary - Global Amazon Link
* Wendy's Website
* The Schema Therapy Clinician's Guide - Farrell - Global Amazon Link
* Contextual Schema Therapy - Roediger - Pub date 1-18 - Global Amazon Link - Forward by Behary


For Her Book - Disarming the Narcissist
Drawing Ends  12-1-17
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Additional Mindset and Coaching Insights From CBJ Guests

* CBJ/150 De-Escalate Anger With Wisdom & Mindset - Noll - Very useful.

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Until next time, thanks Wendy for joining us again here at CBJ to review the challenge we all face with the process of dealing with narcissism within our personal and professional lives.
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